Senate Budget Committee Issues Testimony From Bipartisan Policy Center Economic Policy Project Director Akabas
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Thank you for inviting me to testify today about the long-run sustainability and efficacy of
My name is Shai Akabas, and I am the director of the
I hope our conversation today leaves you with the following takeaways:
1. Time is running out. To address this problem,
2. There is no silver bullet. Several factors play into
3. Enhancing
Rather, tackling both e goals simultaneously will be vital to garner the necessary bipartisan support.
The Social Security Situation
For several decades starting in the 1980s,
As the numbers make clear, delaying action on
1. Acting as soon as possible is paramount. The longer
2. Any legislative action must garner significant bipartisan support. Working across the aisle is not only a best practice in general for enacting durable policies but also a requirement for changes to
Drivers and Other Issues to Address
Shifting demographics in
Because the program is designed as an earnings-based benefit,
An added factor to consider is that not all Americans have seen longevity gains over the past several decades. As of 2014, life expectancy at age 50 for the lowest-income quintile had actually decreased in recent years, while high-income individuals have experienced large increases. This dynamic has a significant effect on the distribution of benefits within the system.10
Spousal and survivors benefits are other aspects of the
Survivors benefits--where a surviving spouse is provided the larger of the couple's two earned benefits--were also designed for a workforce in which one-earner couples were predominant. As a result, many widows and widowers now struggle to support themselves after the death of a spouse. After that moment, household
Finally, it is important to recall that
A Comprehensive Approach
In 2016, BPC convened a bipartisan
To accomplish this solvency, the Commission's plan included 13 recommendations:18
1. Increase the progressivity of the benefit formula. The formula for calculating a
2. Apply the benefit formula annually to earnings to reward continued work more evenly. The current
3. Establish a basic minimum benefit to enhance
4. Index the retirement age to longevity to reflect ongoing increases in average life expectancy. To reflect changes in life expectancy, the plan would gradually raise both the "full retirement age," currently set at 67, and the maximum benefit age, currently 70. Each would rise at a rate of one month for every two years, roughly paralleling projected increases in longevity.
5. Use a more accurate measure of inflation for
6. Cap and re-index the spousal benefit. Individuals who are either married or divorced (after a marriage that lasted at least 10 years) may be entitled, regardless of their work history, to a
7. Enhance survivors benefits to help widows and widowers maintain their standard of living. On average, survivors experience roughly a one-third reduction in household OASI benefits when their spouse dies. For two-earner couples with similar earnings, household benefits can drop by as much as half. With more two-earner couples in the workforce than ever before, this reduction often means that remaining benefits are inadequate, as expenses for the surviving spouse generally do not fall by half. The plan enhances survivors benefits so that widows and widowers receive 75% of their deceased spouse's benefit in addition to the entirety of their own benefit while offsetting the cost of this change by modestly lowering benefits when individuals in married households first claim.
8. Reinstate benefits for college-aged children of deceased beneficiaries and certain other
9. Raise the maximum taxable earnings level. While the maximum level of taxable earnings (also known as the "taxable maximum") for
10. Gradually increase the payroll-tax rate by 1 percentage point. The plan would increase the payroll- and self-employment-tax rates by 1 percentage point (0.5 percentage points for both employees and employers). The increase should be implemented gradually, by raising the combined payroll tax paid by employees and employers 0.1 percentage points each year for the next 10 years.
11. Increase taxes on benefits for high-income beneficiaries. The plan would include in taxable income all benefits received by
12. Replace the windfall elimination provision (WEP) and government pension offset (GPO) with a pro-rated benefit for workers with non-covered earnings. The WEP and GPO are designed to limit
13. Improve the
Improving Claiming Behavior
Any discussion of enhancing
BPC is currently providing technical assistance to a bipartisan group of Senate offices on legislation that would help people make more-informed decisions about when to claim
The Three-Legged Stool
Many Americans are anxious about retirement (if they believe they will be able to retire at all), and for good reason--the three-legged stool is unstable at best. Beyond
In sum, policymakers must shore up
Need for Bipartisanship
This retirement security challenge--headlined by
Although the coalition does not take a stance on legislation, the effort strives to elevate the solutions available--at both the federal and state levels and within the private sector--to tackle these challenges.
Three key goals representing the financial lifecycle are shared by all our partners: (1) make saving easier for Americans at all ages; (2) help them transform nest eggs into retirement income; and (3) ensure that
The function of our coalition is to highlight the gaps in our existing system, encourage more people to save, advance financial literacy, and promote solutions that ultimately improve financial security for all Americans as they age. We have been honored to collaborate with several members of
I want to conclude by thanking the Committee once again for convening this hearing.
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2 SSA, Trustees Report, 6.
3 SSA, 5.
5 SSA, Table IV.B3, 63.
8 SSA, 148.
13 Calculated using the
15 For one perspective on this, please see:
16 CRSPS, Securing Our Financial Future, 80.
17 Calculations by the
18 CRSPS, 89.
19 For the complete recommendations of the
20 CRSPS, 84.
23 For more detail, see CRSPS, 76-77.
24 CRSPS, 7.
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