Sen. Flake Asks Administration for Indefinite Extension of Obamacare Relief Policy
View a signed copy of the letter here (
Text of the letter can be view below.
* Flake reintroduced the Removing Limitations on Insurance Effectiveness and Flexibility (ReLIEF) Act ( during the 114th
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Dear Secretary Price,
Congratulations on your confirmation as Secretary of
We appreciate
Since the enactment of the ACA, millions of Americans have either lost their health insurance or have seen their premiums skyrocket. We are committed to working with you to ensure this does not continue to happen. In 2013, HHS created a transitional relief policy that would allow individuals and small groups to maintain certain "Grandmothered" insurance plans. In states that opted for transitional relief, Grandmothered plans are individual and small group plans purchased after enactment of the ACA and before
The transitional relief policy was extended in
We eagerly anticipate working with you to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with sensible solutions that give states more flexibility and Americans more options. However, we recognize that this process will take time, and we implore you to do everything in your power to ensure that these millions of Americans who have been protected from Obamacare do not lose their insurance now. We respectfully request that HHS issue guidance by
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