Risks Journal Issues 28 Research Articles in September 2019 Edition
* Bankruptcy Risk, Its Financial Determinants and Reporting Delays: Do Managers Have Anything to Hide?
* Bigger Is Not Always Safer: A Critical Analysis of the Subadditivity Assumption for Coherent Risk Measures
* Can Machine Learning-Based Portfolios Outperform Traditional Risk-Based Portfolios? The Need to Account for Covariance Misspecification
* Coherent-Price Systems and Uncertainty-Neutral Valuation
* De Finetti's Control Problem with
* DeepTriangle: A Deep Learning Approach to Loss Reserving
* Drivers of Old-Age Dependence and Long-Term Care Usage in
* Hospital Proximity and Mortality in
* Individual Loss Reserving Using a Gradient Boosting-Based Approach
* LIBOR Fallback and Quantitative Finance
* Liquidity Risk Drivers and Bank Business Models
* Logarithmic Asymptotics for Probability of
* Loss Reserving Models: Granular and Machine Learning Forms
* Market-Risk Optimization among the Developed and Emerging Markets with CVaR Measure and Copula Simulation
* Nash Bargaining Over Margin Loans to Kelly Gamblers
* On the Laplace Transforms of the First Hitting Times for Drawdowns and Drawups of Diffusion-Type Processes
* On the Validation of Claims with Excess Zeros in
* Optimal Risk Budgeting under a Finite Investment Horizon
* Optimal Stopping and Utility in a
* Parametric Conditions of High Financial Risk in the SME Sector
* Penalising Unexplainability in Neural Networks for Predicting Payments per Claim Incurred
* Persistence of Bank Credit Default Swap Spreads
* Potential Densities for Taxed Spectrally Negative Levy Risk Processes
* Premium Risk Net of Reinsurance: From Short-Term to Medium-Term Assessment
* Quantile Regression with Telematics Information to Assess the Risk of Driving above the Posted Speed Limit
* Special Issue "Risk, Ruin and Survival: Decision Making in Insurance and Finance"
* The Time-Spatial Dimension of Eurozone Banking Systemic Risk
* Urn-Based Nonparametric Modeling of the Dependence between PD and LGD with an Application to Mortgages
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