Reports on CDC and FDA from Federal Reserve Board Provide New Insights (Estimates of the Natural Rate of Interest Consistent With a Supply-side Structure and a Monetary Policy Rule for the Us Economy): CDC and FDA
2025 MAR 06 (NewsRx) -- By a
The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from
According to the news reporters, the research concluded: “We also extend our results to the COVID-19 pandemic period, introducing stochastic volatility in the model and dealing with the massive swings in the data, to find that our estimate of r* is slightly below 1 percent in early 2023.”
This research has been peer-reviewed.
For more information on this research see: Estimates of the Natural Rate of Interest Consistent With a Supply-side Structure and a Monetary Policy Rule for the Us Economy.
Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting Manuel Gonzalez-Astudilloa,
(Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world.)
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