Rep. Payne, Jr.'s Statement on the 56th Anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare
Targeted News Service (Press Releases)
WASHINGTON, July 31 -- Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr., D-New Jersey, issued the following news release on July 30, 2021:
Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. released the following statement today to commemorate the 56th anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare. The critical programs to establish affordable health care for seniors and lower-income Americans started on this date in 1965 when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Social Security Amendments into law. The two programs provide health care assistance for more than 3.4 million New Jersey residents.
"Today, we celebrate two of the most important programs in our nation's history," said Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. "Medicaid and Medicare were created to provide affordable health care for working Americans and seniors.
"These two programs have protected the health and safety of millions of Americans. We need to continue to work to provide affordable health care to all Americans, such as our work in Congress to strengthen the Affordable Care Act.
Affordable health care is a right that all Americans deserve."
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