Rcsc Insurance Premiums Rise
"We're all seeing increasing premiums (on our personal policies) and that's what we're seeing here," he said.
The renewal proposal includes the same insurance coverages, carriers and terms and conditions as the expiring policy, with the exception of a change of carriers for the
"The claim experience is an issue," Foster said. "We had 16 insurance agencies turn us down because of claim experience."
However, he said, this is not a unique problem among retirement and recreation communities, where age and activity are significant factors.
In order to improve coverages in the future, the management staff has indicated an increased focus on safety measures.
"We certainly need to work with the (clubs organization committee) and clubs themselves," said
He said staff would work with the clubs to increase inspections and ensure safer working environments to "make sure obvious risks are mitigated in those spaces."
Second readings of policy changes to extend the window of RCSC elections and changes to the
The first stated candidate packets will be available on or before the first Monday in June.
The motion also extended the qualifying period from the first Friday in October to a more +flexible scheduled date to be included in the packet before the date of the last board meeting of October, previously stated to be
The PIF and CIF policy change amends Board Policy 24 modified language regarding the passage of a spouse and the associated PIF fee during title transfer while a second change would require homeowners to own the house for one year before becoming eligible for a refund of PIF and CIF fees. The second change was made to generate more income for the PIF and CIF by delaying refunds to house "flippers."
In other matters, Matthew D'Luzansky, general manager, said they will be seeking member input for ideas on how to best use the space currently occupied by the
"Not only was the repair cost very high, perhaps as much as a million dollars, but it would not fit with the board's philosophy that we move away from indoor spas and focus new eff orts on outdoor spas," he said.
Indoors spas are not always optimal because the humidity gets trapped inside and causes ceiling and wall damage, which is the case at Bell, he said.
Work on the
"We are going through an initial evaluation of each proposal, and we are developing a matrix allowing for a better comparison," he said. "We will be making a recommendation to the board soon so hopefully we can get this project rolling again."
D'Luzansky reiterated that negotiations for the library leases continue to make progress.
He added library users should not be concerned about the
"Most issues are resolved, with a few remaining we continue to work on," he said. "All parties are confident in having the lease settled long before year end."
One issue tied up in the library lease surrounding the
A temporary check in desk at Fairway will soon be in place to block that access, he said. The electric and communication lines are ready so rather than wait, a temporary desk will be in place next month until the permanent solution is completed. Similar modifications to the
How to transition from employer's plan to Medicare
Jury reaches verdict in Chad Daybell case
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