Professional Insurance Agents Praise Extension of National Flood Insurance Program
Targeted News Service (Press Releases)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 -- The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents issued the following news release:
The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) is pleased the U.S. House and Senate have passed a bill to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) until May 31.
The program was set to expire at midnight December 21.
This bill will prevent a lapse of the program, which would have disrupted the lives of millions of NFIP policyholders.
"An extension to May 31 will allow members of the incoming 116th Congress time to find a way to agree on reforms to the program and to pass a long-term reauthorization," said Jon Gentile, PIA National vice president of government relations.
PIA National looks forward to working with the 116th Congress on a long-term reauthorization of the NFIP.
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