Premiums expected to match hike
The Berkshire Eagle
A few weeks ago, the
But that windfall felt distant on Wednesday night when Mayor
"That increase is worth [
Kerwood said the city learned at the recent
The city obtains its
BUDGET, Page 2
Kerwood said Thursday it's the biggest premium increase he's seen in years, and that it's being driven by the cost of health care, particularly prescription drugs.
Marchetti and Kerwood presented a budget outlook to the City Council-School Commit-tee joint session as a kickoff to the city budget season. They provided members with a snapshot of city finances, comparisons of its tax rate with other county cities and towns and comparable
Marchetti noted that the city's change in providing one of those services, curbside trash and recycling, is on track to save
The presentation showed that, as
The value of the average single-family home in
By state law, property assessments are based on home sales from the two prior years. This year, values will be determined based on sales during 2023 and 2024, and with assessments based on values as of
Marchetti reminded
"When I get my tax bill, it's still sticker shock," he said.
When it comes to writing the fiscal 2026 spending plan, Marchetti said there won't be a repeat of last year's process, in which he asked department heads to come up with multiple spending plans for a variety of scenarios- a level-service budget, a level-funded budget requiring cuts in service, and a budget with a 5 percent reduction.
City Councilor Earl Persip III echoed that message, warning that there's no room to cut before employees and services are affected. "There's no flashy stuff in this budget," he said.
Bond rating agencies, such as
The second part? "If you get to a point [where] you cannot make the numbers work within the levy, you're potentially looking at the possibility that if you don't reduce expenses dramatically, you're looking at a Proposition 2 ½ override," Kerwood said.
On Thursday, he added that's what makes generating new growth through construction and improvements an important goal. "It's activity that's increasing the value of real estate. That's the only way you can expand your levy capacity in any given year."
Kerwood also noted that the city's share of cannabis excise taxes sits at
Other revenue sources are on track, Kerwood said, with hotel and meal excise taxes among the strongest performers. The city's hotel tax revenue of
Motor vehicle excise tax revenue is very low, at
Recent storms are wakeup call about flood insurance
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