Some Floridians have already received the news in their mailboxes. Many others will see it arrive in the coming months. None will welcome it.
"Our homeowner's insurance went from
"I just feel bad that we've been paying premiums, and now we're getting penalized because of Hurricane Ian,"
According to the
"It was a pretty hefty jump — shocking,"
"We could have reduced our coverage to reduce our premium — like taken off our shed or increased our deductible — but it turned out to be a blessing that we didn't when Ian came,"
While some who receive increased premiums go shopping, that's not an option for those in the midst of an open claim.
"It was a crazy increase, and the hard thing is no other property insurance company will even give an estimate until our claim is closed,"
"I have an insurance background from my career, and the thing that surprised me is that there are state insurance departments to approve rate increases,"
Kin was among seven property insurance companies for which the
These petitions requested increases ranging from 10.7% to as high as the request for an 84.5% increase by
How approval of a 25.1% increase resulted in the dollar amount of the increases that
Since people have been receiving premium increases both before and after Hurricane Ian and regardless of whether or not they filed claims, the commonly held beliefs about rate increases have been shown to be urban legends. So, what are the myths, and how are insurance premiums actually calculated?
"The insurance industry can't react that fast," said
Another common myth has to do with the corporate structure of insurance companies.
"What is probably the biggest misunderstood thing on the planet as it relates to the insurance industry is this — insurance is for profit — these are not non-profit companies," said
"Insurance companies don't make most of their money from premiums,"
Like any business, insurance companies have operating costs, such as administrative costs, commissions to agents and brokers, claims management and loss control expenses.
65% of premiums for its reinsurance coverage.
Risk management models also influence premium rates. Insurance companies model what they expect to happen as well as the worst-case scenario that could happen, based upon both the scale of a disaster as well as the location of large population centers that could be hit. Between windstorms, floods and sinkholes,
"It used to be just the southern tip, the
Litigious state
Beyond the actual damages caused by hurricanes,
"The carrier has a responsibility to get you back to where it was the day before the storm,"
According to the
"What these firms relied on was that it was cheaper for insurance companies to settle in lieu of having to pay for defense litigation costs, so insurance companies paid way more than they should have for losses as a result of roof damage,"
State of the insurance business
Between the hurricane risks and the potential for lawsuits, many of the big-name insurance companies familiar from national advertising campaigns write few to no homeowners' insurance policies in
"They're smaller companies because the large companies don't want to write business here because of the litigious environment and the bad actors (doing roofing scams) are so strong,"
The homeowners' insurance market has become so unstable that 11 property and casualty insurance companies are currently in receivership with the state for liquidation, which is a number that
Given the
Insurance reforms
To remedy the insurance market crisis, Gov.
Among the reforms, the new law eliminates assignment of benefits to a third party, such as a contractor. It also eliminates one-way attorney fees, so insurance companies will no longer be required to pay a homeowner's lawyer in addition to the claims settlement if the insurer loses the case; each party will now pay their own legal fees. Additionally, it creates and funds a new
"I think this law will bring more competition and interest to our marketplace,"
Ian's impacts upon insurance premiums are due to hit in two to three years, and the impacts of the new law will likely manifest around the same time. Meanwhile,
He said to consider projects to harden the home against hurricanes, such as a new roof or windows, to reduce premium rates and make the home more attractive to new insurers. (A state program offers grant possibilities to help pay for the upgrades.) He said to retain receipts for all types of home repairs (not just hurricane repairs) to prove to insurers that you have maintained and improved your home, which lowers their risk for insuring you. And he suggested working with a local independent insurance agent because they have the flexibility to shop multiple insurers to find the best coverage and rate for you.
"I know it's complicated because, with increased insurance rates, you're strapped just paying for insurance,"
In the KNOW
State programs to help homeowners
My Safe FL Home
» This state program provides a free hurricane inspection for single-family homes that provides recommendations for improving a home's strength against hurricanes. Homeowners may qualify to apply for a
Florida Market Assistance Plan
» This free state program matches people seeking insurance to participating local licensed
» 800-524-9023,
Richton Park reaches $12 million settlement with family of 12-year-old boy shot by SWAT officer in 2019 [Chicago Tribune]
Researchers from Illinois State University Report Recent Findings in Insurance (Health Insurers’ Use of Quality Improvement Expenses To Achieve a Minimum Medical Loss Ratio Requirement): Insurance
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