National Quality Forum Convenes Diverse Panel of Experts for Hospital Star Rating Summit
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- Collaboration on quality and safety rating improvements will help health consumers make informed decisions about their care
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Helping to educate consumers and make informed decisions about their care is central to advancing a patient-centered healthcare delivery system. In 2016, the
It is critical that all stakeholders have confidence in the information shared with consumers. Yet, many have voiced concerns with the system's methodology, noting issues related to missing data, small case volume, health disparities, the use of a latent variable model to calculate ratings, and its effectiveness in providing meaningful information to patients and caregivers.
NQF will convene the Hospital Quality Star Rating Summit to consider the perspectives of all stakeholders in recommendations that will improve confidence in the ratings system and consumer use. The Summit will utilize a
"NQF is committed to bringing all stakeholders together to improve health outcomes and advance a healthcare delivery system that makes a difference in people's lives." Said NQF President and CEO
The Hospital Quality Star Rating Summit TEP is comprised of experts, thought leaders, and patients who represent a number of stakeholder groups directly affected by the STARS Rating Program:
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