Macalester Holds Seventh Macathon Nov. 9-10 With Cash Prizes Totaling Over $2000
99 Macalester students making up 20 teams will work more than 24 hours non-stop and overnight during Macalester's seventh Macathon, beginning at
Everything for the competition must be produced within the 24-hour period. Macalester students will compete for cash prizes and the opportunity for feedback from successful alumni entrepreneurs, technologists, and investors. No preparation work is allowed.
What exactly is Macathon? It's a mash-up of a start-up competition and a hackathon. A start-up competition where entrepreneurs, inventors, and design-thinkers compete to come up with new and disruptive ventures. A traditional hackathon is a contest where brilliant computer programmers and other technologists compete to improve, break, build, and create new systems.
But Macathon goes beyond that. To succeed, Macathon teams need a mix of technical, business, design, communication, and creativity.
Ultimately, Macathon is an idea-building challenge that moves liberal arts into action, fosters innovation and connects alums and students.
At the beginning of the competition, each team is paired with a group of 4-5 alumni judges. Judges are brought in from across the country specifically to mentor and evaluate Macathon teams.
Each team will prepare and deliver to the judging panel a nine-minute verbal/visual presentation of their product or service. Students will be judged on their identification and understanding of a real-world problem, their solution, and their presentation. The three highest-scoring teams in the final will be awarded with cash prizes totally over $2000.
Prototype Test
To better credit programming and/or other technical work, a "prototype test" will be conducted with each team on Saturday, prior to the team presentations. This is the team's opportunity to share with the judges specifics about the technology used, process, and/or completed coding.
The team's product or service must be the original product of the team and its members and created during the event. However, team members are encouraged to consult peers, interested faculty, Macathon judges and planning committee members with any questions about the viability or development of their concepts and presentations.
Details for the 2018 Macathon
Who: 99 Macalester students making up 20 teams
What: Non-stop from
*Best time to come:
Final presentations and Awards ceremony:
2018 Judges and Advisors
Chief Legal Officer and Compliance Architect, Atomic Data
VP Engineering,
Instructor (NTT)
After graduating from Macalester in computer science and math, Paul has created software for clients ranging from tech startups to Fortune 500s to arts nonprofits. He now regularly returns to Macalester, like a swallow to Capistrano, to teach computer science and run the Dev Garden ( He leads a secret double life as a composer, pianist, and artistic director of The New Ruckus (
President, Evology
After graduating from Macalester,
Associate Director of New Product Development,
Co-founder, Context AI
An all-conference performer and standout in both track & field and soccer after arriving on the Macalester campus from
Operations Manager, Target (
MBA Candidate at
Audrey spent four years at Target. She focused on developing and implementing investment and partnership strategies with startups spanning the consumer goods market and retail technology. Additionally, she spent a summer with
Business Development Manager,
After barely graduating from Macalester with a major in Music and a minor in Magic the Gathering,
VP of Platform Engineering + Practices, Optum Tech (United HealthGroup)
Founder at Critical Hit Technologies
Leaving Macalester with a CS and Math degree in hand,
Operating Partner and Co-founder, DataTribe
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