In Conway, Rep. Pappas Discusses His Efforts to Defend Affordable Care Act
Participants included: JR Porter,
They shared a range of experiences as care providers, patients, and advocates about the role community health centers play and how critical protecting and strengthen the Affordable Care Act is to ensuring residents in areas like the
"Community health centers like White Mountain play a critical role in providing care to underserved areas of our state," said
"Almost 90,000 Granite Staters stand to lose their health care coverage if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. On top of that, over half a million Granite Staters who have pre-existing condition could once again face discrimination by insurance companies if
In August,
The Affordable Care Act is responsible for safeguarding insurance for half of our state's adult population who have pre-existing conditions and providing insurance for more than 53,000 Granite Staters through Medicaid expansion.
Kansas Democratic Party: Weekly Rundown #44
Wapato gets break on new insurance; prosecutors help out
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