Idaho agency asks residents to consider buying flood insurance following storm event [The Idaho Statesman]
Ever thought about buying flood insurance,
The flash thunderstorm that formed above
The localized storm dumped 1.47 inches of rain in parts of downtown and 1.77 inches in the
Some residents enjoyed the rare event by tubing the floodwaters in front of the Boise Co-op Market.
But at
Data from the National Flood Insurance Program shows there are about 5,600 flood insurance policies in effect across the state.
“Just one inch of water can easily cause
The news release warned that flood insurance policies usually involve a 30-day waiting period to take effect. It’s not something that can be purchased at the last minute.
But flooding events like the one
Part of the reason the flooding was so heavy in
The city has “100-year storm” drains that are designed to handle 99% of storms that occur each year.
Tuesday’s storm, however, was more intense than the theoretical 100-year storm. The highway district could implement a larger drainage system, but it’s unlikely since
Weird weather:
Seriously, Mother Nature? Strong storms flood, close Boise roads. And keep on thundering
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