House Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From National Association of Development Organizations
"Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on the importance of the
"My name is
"I also serve as a board member of the
"Today, I will address four core issues pertaining to the
1. First, I will explain the significance of EDA to my community and my region.
2. Second, I will highlight the significance of EDA's national impact on regional development, job creation, and economic growth and competitiveness in communities across the country.
3. Third, I will reiterate the importance of EDA's planning grants to economically-distressed regions; and,
4. Finally, I will underscore the importance of reauthorizing the EDA, and I will recommend opportunities for reforms and enhancement of the EDA that could be accomplished via reauthorization.
"I will begin by highlighting the significance of EDA to my community and my region. My organization, the
"EDA investments have had a tremendous impact on my region, as they have supported many successful economic development projects, including two that I will highlight today: the
* EDA made one of the first investments into the
* Additionally, the
"EDA's success stories extend far beyond my region. In my role as First Vice President on NADO's board, I work with the executive directors of similar organizations across the country whose regions have also benefitted immensely from job growth and community development brought about by EDA investments. Particularly in economically distressed areas of the country, EDA investments are essential.
"This brings me to the second core topic I'd like to highlight for you today: the significance of EDA's national impact on regional development, job creation, and economic growth and competitiveness in communities across the country.
"Between FY 2012 and FY 2017, EDA invested over
"EDA's portfolio of public works, economic adjustment, strategy development, business finance, technical assistance, and research and evaluation programs allow communities to apply for assistance tailored to fit their unique needs. EDA has developed a strong record in assisting communities struggling to overcome both long-term economic challenges (such as persistent poverty) as well as sudden severe economic adversities (such as plant closures and industry loss). Through its full range of program tools, the agency is positioned to help areas recover from economic downturns, industry and military base closures and realignments, natural disasters, and declines in resource-based industries like coal, fisheries, and timber.
"I also want to emphasize that EDA is the only federal agency with the sole mission of helping create high-quality jobs in
"Another important component of EDA's investment at the local and regional levels is the Partnership Planning grants given to economic development districts. These grants serve as essential building blocks that are the backbone of successful investment projects, which ultimately lead to job creation and retention in our communities. The products of the planning process also serve as guiding documents for local and state investment. EDA's network of hundreds Economic Development Districts (EDDs) across the country have decades of experience in implementing strategic economic development planning. Furthermore, EDA and its network of regional offices, integrators, and EDDs across the country are well-positioned to help communities navigate and take advantage of the Opportunity Zones program, along with other new economic development resources, investments, and opportunities as they become available.
"Finally, for all these reasons, I stand before you today to encourage you to reauthorize the EDA. In doing so, I ask that you to take advantage of some opportunities for reforms and enhancement of the EDA's programs and impact that could be accomplished via EDA reauthorization.
"EDA was originally created by the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965. EDA continues to operate from year-to-year through the annual congressional appropriations process, but its last authorization lapsed in 2008. I stand before you today to encourage the committee to support a reauthorization of EDA that would further EDA's role as a key driver of long-term economic development and growth in communities across the country. I also encourage you to support an increase in EDA's annual authorized funding level.
"In tandem with a reauthorization of EDA, I also urge you to support a modernization of EDA's role in helping to bring economically distressed communities into the 21st century. I encourage you to elevate EDA as the key federal partner helping economically distressed and rural communities keep pace with technological advancement, automation, and the economic shifts that occur as a result. Although we all know that technological innovation helps move our nation forward and creates economic prosperity, we also know that these trends are leaving some parts of the country behind and are having a negative impact on many rural and economically distressed communities. EDA has been a key partner in helping these communities develop Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) that facilitate a process of assessing distressed regions' changing economic drivers and helping them refocus their efforts on investing in industries and workforce training efforts that help expand learning pathways and upskill workers to compete in the national economy.
"I also want to highlight the importance of the loan services EDA offers for small businesses.
"While the EDA RLF program is important and highly beneficial to communities across the country, the reporting requirements associated with it are particularly burdensome. Currently, EDA RLF awards stay in federal control in perpetuity. As a result, recipients are required to comply with extensive federal reporting and audit requirements indefinitely, even if those funds were first capitalized decades earlier. In order to remedy this issue, ownership of EDA RLFs should be fully transferred to the local intermediary within a specified number of years after final disbursement of the grant (seven years is the suggested duration). This is a standard protocol by which other federal agencies' RLF programs operate. I encourage the committee to support efforts to reform EDA's RLF in this manner.
"Thank you again for the opportunity to address the subcommittee today, and I look forward to answering your questions."
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