House Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From International Economic Development Council
"My name is
"My first interaction with the
"From the perspective of economic developers, the post-disaster environment is not unlike that of other professions. It involves assessment, planning, and execution. The process is like most of our work: collaborative. We engage with elected officials, business and civic leaders. We often act as conveners to advance programs, policies, and projects that will lead to the retention and creation of jobs in our communities. While healthcare, safety, and welfare action must come first following a disaster, economic developers are hard at work sometimes behind the scenes preparing for economic recovery.
"Economic need following disasters can take many forms. From homeowners to business owners, there is an abundance of need, and unfortunately, much of it goes unmet for too long. From the perspective of economic developers, economic recovery need is no different. Considering the practice areas economic developers operate in - business retention and expansion, infrastructure, marketing and attraction, and so on - it isn't hard to see that need is both great and varied. Does the community have a current economic development strategy? Do we have the resources to connect with our businesses and aid them in the short, medium and long-term? How can we move economically critical infrastructure projects forward - sewer systems, broadband, ports, and so on - that are not part of the initial response, but are essential to economic recovery? What projects have we been putting off due to lack of resources that are now vital to restarting the economy's engine? Where will the resources come from to do all of this?
"This is where the EDA comes in. EDA has invested nearly
"EDA has been a leader in economic recovery since the creation of the agency in 1965. It has aided communities in rural and urban settings with targeted investments that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of that community. It has worked in collaboration with other federal programs, like those at the
"EDA is an agency that, as its primary purpose, helps communities recover from economic distress. They are the experts in economic recovery and resiliency at the federal level. As this body considers both future disaster roles and statutory reauthorization of the agency, I encourage you to engage with the economic developers in your communities. Hear from them about how EDA's investments have worked. Hear also from them how EDA can do more - from defederalizing Revolving Loan Funds to supporting greater integration and collaboration across federal agencies. Given the tools and support necessary, the EDA can play a larger role in assisting communities recovering from disasters and economic distress and allow our country to build back a stronger, more resilient economy. I am confident that you will hear that my experience in
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