HHS IG Issues Audit Report on Documentation of Medicaid Managed Care Payment Review Determinations Made Under Payment Error Rate Measurement Program
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Why OIG Did This Audit
The objective of this audit was to assess the adequacy of the PERM program by determining whether CMS's contractor conducted Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) payment reviews that were in accordance with Federal requirements.
How OIG Did This Audit
Our audit covered 407 PERM MMC payments reviewed by CMS's PERM contractor, totaling
What OIG Found
CMS's review contractor conducted the majority of its MMC payment reviews in accordance with Federal requirements. Of the 100 sampled MMC payments we reviewed, 60 were correctly determined. However, we were not able to determine whether the remaining 40 payment review determinations were correct because the payment reviews were not documented and therefore may be incorrect. Based on the sample results, we estimated 40 percent of the sampled MMC payment determinations made by CMS's review contractor may not have been correct. We also estimated the total amount related to these 40 claims to be
CMS's review contractor did not maintain documentation of its payment review determinations because CMS did not include specific contract and statement of work language requiring its review contractor to maintain all documentation to support its MMC payment review determinations for non-errors.
We are not making recommendations because CMS took action to address the deficiencies we identified. Specifically, after our audit period, for RY 2020, 2021 and 2022 PERM cycles, CMS exercised an optional task for the contract with the review contractor, which added language requiring the review contractor to maintain relevant documentation for non-error (i.e., correct) payments. In its contract renewal occurring in
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The report is posted at: https://oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region4/42109003.pdf
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