Helping Indiana Residents Stay Covered: Understanding Life Events That Qualify For Coverage Outside Of The Annual Enrollment Period
Maintaining health care coverage outside of the annual open enrollment period is top of mind this year as the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) is winding down. "In addition to those looking for coverage solutions if no longer eligible for coverage through a government program, it is a good time to remind individuals that there are other qualifying life events that may make you eligible for certain coverage throughout the year.
Here are a few to consider:
* Losing health care coverage, including job-based, individual, and student plans;
* Losing coverage through a parent's plan when turning age 26;
* Getting married or divorced; having a baby or adopting a child; or a death in the family;
* Moving or relocating outside of your zip code and/or state; or
* Change in income.
It is important to know if these or other life changes potentially impact your health coverage, which may allow you and your family to have access to medical care and preventive services to help you stay healthier. Without coverage, it may mean missed opportunities to better manage chronic conditions, receive timely routine vaccinations or detect new conditions, which could negatively impact long-term health and well-being.
If the most important thing is to stay covered, the next is not to panic. You have options.
* If you are working and eligible for a health care plan through your employer, contact your human resources department or benefits administrator to enroll in your employer coverage.
* If you are under age 26 and do not have health insurance through work or school, you can extend coverage through your parent's or guardian's plan as long as you continue to pay the plan premiums.
* If you are not eligible for an employer insurance plan, [STATE] has affordable coverage options available to individuals and families looking for new plans. You may be eligible for health care plans through the marketplace.
Health coverage decisions can be made simpler – and there are resources to help. Whether you choose to do your own research and enrollment, or engage outside services, finding what you are eligible for and what you can afford can help you find health coverage and ensures access to care now.
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