Hatch Discusses New Healthcare Discussion Draft, Path Forward for Obamacare Repeal
[Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJUmbAE_QTc Via YouTube]
Today, the Majority Leader unveiled a revised discussion draft for legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Let me say at the outset that this bill isn't perfect. There are some things in the bill that, given my preferences, I would do very differently.
But, one thing I've learned in my 40 years in the
The next vote on this legislation will presumably be whether to let the
Under the rules, we'll have an open amendment process. Members will get a chance to make their preferences known and to have the
Keep in mind, Mr. President, virtually every Republican in this body has supported the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare more or less since the day it was signed into law. We've all made promises to our constituents along those lines. This legislation, while far from perfect, would fulfill the vast majority of those promises.
If we pass up this opportunity, we're looking at further collapse of health insurance markets, which means dramatically higher premiums and even fewer healthcare options for our constituents. And, make no mistake, Mr. President, while some are talking about a bipartisan solution to prop up markets in the event this bill fails, there is no magic elixir or silver bullet that will make that an easy proposition.
I have to think that, at the end of the day, if we fail to take action to fulfill the promises we've all made, we'll have to answer to the American people for the missed opportunity and the chaos that will almost certainly follow.
I hope all of my colleagues will keep that in mind.
Read this original document at: https://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/releases?ID=BFA959F8-34FF-443F-8112-F65B3F16329C
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