Financial Year 2024 Full year Results report A1 Group consolidated
Results Report 2024
Group Management Report |
2 |
Group overview and market environment |
2 |
Spin-off of the tower business in 20233 |
6 |
Business development and economic situation |
7 |
Outlook for the financial year 2025 |
22 |
Risk and opportunity management |
23 |
Other disclosures |
31 |
Sustainability Statement |
33 |
Consolidated Financial Statements |
121 |
Comprehensive Income |
122 |
Financial Position |
123 |
Cash Flows |
124 |
Changes in Stockholders' Equity |
125 |
Notes |
126 |
Declaration of the Management Board |
189 |
Auditor's Report |
190 |
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Group Management Report
Group overview and market environment
Business environment
Macroeconomic performance recovered slightly in 2024. Inflation rates fell steadily in the US and the eurozone. Interest rate cuts had a positive impact on the business environment and overall economic demand increased. Overall, global economic growth increased and the outlook for 2025 shows stable growth. Our markets reveal a mixed picture, however, with higher year-on-year GDP growth rates in most CEE countries while
Starting from a high level at the end of 2023, inflation rates fell over the course of 2024 in both the US and
In the year under review, the US Federal Reserve (FED) lowered its key short-term interest rate in three steps from a range of 5.25% to 5.5% to between 4.25% and 4.50%.4
According to the World Economic Outlook published by the
In the markets of
Development of real GDP and inflation in the markets of the
in % |
2023 |
2024e |
2025e |
Inflation |
Inflation |
Inflation |
-0.8 |
7.7 |
-0.6 |
3.0 |
1.1 |
2.5 |
1.8 |
8.6 |
2.3 |
2.8 |
2.5 |
2.6 |
3.1 |
8.4 |
3.4 |
4.0 |
2.9 |
2.8 |
3.9 |
5.0 |
3.6 |
6.0 |
2.3 |
6.4 |
2.1 |
7.4 |
1.5 |
2.0 |
2.6 |
2.7 |
2.5 |
12.4 |
3.9 |
4.5 |
4.1 |
3.6 |
1.0 |
9.4 |
2.2 |
3.3 |
3.6 |
2.3 |
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:
- Source:, data on inflation based on average consumer prices
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Industry trends and competition
The continuing rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and real-time data analyses is transforming business processes and making real-time decisions the norm. With increasing data traffic driven by digitalization and OTT content and the progress being made in rolling out broadband (fiber and 5G), telecommunications companies are at the center of this digital evolution. They are having to focus on improving the end-to-endcustomer experience in order to differentiate themselves by anticipating needs and offering personalized services. As ecosystems of interconnected companies, services, and technologies are driving future economic growth, telecommunications companies must redefine their role and actively shape their platforms and partnerships. Telecommunications companies are at the center of digitalization, with software playing a crucial role in increasing business efficiency through network design, automation, virtualization, and cloud services. This foundation provided by software is additionally opening up new business opportunities in the field of digital services. Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important due to strict regulations, such as the EU
is posing both a challenge and a business opportunity for telecommunications companies. In addition, the popularity of cloud computing and edge computing is growing thanks to the advantages they offer in the areas of innovation, mobility, flexibility, cost efficiency, and improved data security. Moreover, ESG aspects are now an essential prerequisite for being able to compete in the market, while the competitive landscape is expanding to include OTT providers and satellite-based Internet companies.
Competitive environment
Inhabitants 1) |
GDP/capita 2) |
in million |
in USD |
9.1 |
73,100 |
6.4 |
38,900 |
3.8 |
46,800 |
9.2 |
30,800 |
2.1 |
55,700 |
6.6 |
29,600 |
1.8 |
26,300 |
Mobile subscribers
in million market position 3)
- #1
- #2
- #2
- #2
- #2
- #3
- #1
in million market position 3)
- #1
- #2
- #2
- #2
- #3
- #2
1) Source for inhabitants as well as GDP/capita (PPP, current international USD):, data for most recent year: 2023, figures rounded
2) Source for GDP/capita (PPP, current international USD):, data for most recent year: 2023, figures rounded
3) Mobile and fixed market positions both based on service revenue market shares
3 |
The international subsidiaries of the
Fixed-line regulation
Market regulation in
The wholesale markets for broadband access have been fully deregulated since
This deregulation paves the way for additional investment and will accelerate the large-scale roll-out of broadband and fiber infrastructure throughout
Following the final decision by the regulator in
Fixed-line termination rates1
Mobile communication regulation
The European Union Roaming Regulation was updated in 2022, but its broad guidelines have been in force since 2016.
1 The term termination rate refers to the amount that a telecommunications provider must pay for the termination (call termination, call completion) of a telephone call to a third-party network or for the acceptance of such a call from a third-party network in the case of network interconnection.
4 |
Roaming agreements in the WesteBalkans
Retail roaming charges within the region have been reduced following the introduction of a roaming agreement for the WesteBalkans in 2019. In addition, A1 and other mobile operators have signed a voluntary agreement to lower rates between the
Voice (outgoing), in eurocents/minute |
2.2 |
1.9 |
SMS, in eurocents/SMS |
0.4 |
0.3 |
Data, in EUR/GB |
2 |
From |
1.8 |
2024: |
1.55 |
2025: |
1.3 |
2026: |
1.1 |
1 |
Mobile termination
Mobile termination rates
EU-wide maximum (EUR) |
0.0055 |
0.004 |
0.002 |
0.002 |
1.43 |
1.12 |
0.81 |
0.5 |
0.63 |
0.63 |
0.63 |
0.63 |
operator MTS |
operator MTS |
0.025/0.0125 |
0.025/0.0125 |
operator BeST |
operator BeST |
0.018/0.009 |
0.018/0.009 |
Net neutrality
Retail charges for regulated intra-EU communication
As of
5 |
Spin-off of the "
The passive infrastructure of the towers that was spun off comprises components that are not directly attributable to the mobile communications network, such as foundations and metal structures, containers, air conditioning units, power supply, and other supporting systems.
5G and the frequencies used with this technology require a densification of towers. The expansion in terms of area is also not yet complete, and new areas are being developed. For the construction of new towers,
In the event of significant financial difficulties or the disposal of a significant amount of infrastructure at or by a EuroTeleSites operating company in breach of contract,
More detailed information can be found in the Group Management Report 2023.
Since the spin-off took place in September of the comparative year, there are still financial impacts on the year-on-year perfor- mance. An overview can be found on page 12 with the table "A1 Group Comparison of reported vs. pro forma values".
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Business development and economic situation
Business performance in financial year 2024
Despite a challenging environment,
Inflation fell compared to the previous year, nonetheless a certain price sensitivity remained among customers given the high inflation rates of previous years.
a milestone in our transformation with the establishment of a "competence delivery center", which pursues exactly this goal by reducing indirect costs and enables more investments in the market. Certain activities are therefore carried out only once across the entire group instead of seven times in our individual markets, aiming for a harmonization of tools, systems, and processes.
We also pursued a sustainable approach to investments: the expansion of the fixed-line and mobile broadband networks in
Operational and financial performance of the
As reported results in the full year 2024 were largely impacted by non-operating effects, the following factors should be considered in the analysis of
- FY 2024: Positive one-off effects of
EUR 13 mn in EBITDA, of which positiveEUR 9 mn in other operating income, inAustria (EUR 5 mn ) andCroatia (EUR 4 mn ) andEUR 4 mn in total OPEX thereofEUR 1 mn inAustria (netEUR 5 mn mainly due
to the reversal of legal provisions overcompensating a negative effect related to the former tower business) andCroatia (EUR 3 mn mainly due to positive effect in bad debts). - FY 2023: Positive one-off effects of
EUR 34 mn in EBITDA inAustria in total OPEX. - FY 2024: Negative FX effects amounted to
EUR 35 mn in total revenues,EUR 25 mn in service revenues, andEUR 15 mn in EBITDA (thereof positiveEUR 39 mn in workforce costs and negativeEUR 5 mn for legal cases). - Restructuring charges in
Austria amounted toEUR 89 mn (2023:EUR 85 mn ).
In the mobile business, the number of subscribers increased by 7.4% to a total of 27.1 mn in the reporting year. The main driver of growth was almost exclusively the robust increase in the M2M business. Excluding M2M customers, the number of subscribers increased slightly (0.3%) thanks to the postpaid subscriber business, while the number of prepaid subscribers continued to decline. The rise in both mobile WiFi routers and subscribers in the mobile core business contributed growth in the number
of subscribers. Overall, the number of mobile subscribers increased in every country except
7 |
In the fixed-line business, the number of revenue generating units (RGUs) increased by 1.3% year-on-year. Growth in international markets, especially in
Key figures
in EUR million |
2024 |
2023 |
∆ |
Total revenues |
5,413 |
5,251 |
3.1% |
Service revenues |
4,502 |
4,348 |
3.5% |
Equipment revenues |
813 |
811 |
0.2% |
Other operating income |
98 |
92 |
5.9% |
Wireless revenues |
3,172 |
3,099 |
2.3% |
Service revenues |
2,500 |
2,429 |
2.9% |
Equipment revenues |
672 |
670 |
0.3% |
Wireline revenues 1) |
2,143 |
2,060 |
4.0% |
Service revenues |
2,002 |
1,919 |
4.3% |
Equipment revenues |
141 |
142 |
-0.2% |
2,021 |
1,924 |
5.1% |
EBITDA margin |
37.3% |
36.6% |
0.7pp |
1,603 |
1,671 |
-4.0% |
EBITDAaL margin |
29.6% |
31.8% |
-2.2pp |
Depreciation, amortization, impairments |
1,160 |
1,013 |
14.5% |
EBIT 4) |
861 |
911 |
-5.4% |
EBIT margin |
15.9% |
17.3% |
-1.4pp |
Net result |
627 |
646 |
-3.0% |
Net margin |
11.6% |
12.3% |
-0.7pp |
Capital expenditures |
865 |
1,093 |
-20.9% |
Tangible |
653 |
787 |
-17.0% |
Intangible |
211 |
305 |
-30.7% |
Free cash flow |
575 |
354 |
62.5% |
∆ |
Net debt / EBITDA (12 months) |
1.1 |
1.3 |
-0.23x |
Net debt (excl. leases) / EBITDAaL (12 months) |
0.2 |
0.4 |
-0.16x |
Customer indicators (thousand) |
∆ |
Mobile subscribers |
27,122 |
25,245 |
7.4% |
Postpaid |
23,447 |
21,512 |
9,0% |
Prepaid |
3,676 |
3,733 |
-1,5% |
RGUs 5) |
6,352 |
6,271 |
1.3% |
2024 |
2023 |
∆ |
ARPU (in EUR) 6) |
8,0 |
8,2 |
-3,0% |
ARPL (in EUR) 7) |
27,0 |
26,3 |
2,8% |
Mobile churn |
1.3% |
1.4% |
-0.0pp |
∆ |
Employees (full-time equivalent) |
17,298 |
17,508 |
-1.2% |
- Wireline revenues also include solutions & connectivity revenues
- Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization
- EBITDA after Leases: EBITDA - depreciation of lease assets according to IFRS 16 - interest expenses pursuant to IFRS 16
- Operating income according to IFRS
- Revenue Generating Unit
- Average Revenue Per User incl. M2M Subscriber
- Average Revenue Per Line
In the financial year 2024,
8 |
Service revenues increased primarily as a result of higher retail mobile service revenues, higher revenues in the solutions and connectivity business, and an increase in revenues from retail fixed-line services. Overall, the results benefited to a large extent from value protection measures, a solid performance in mobile WiFi routers, and successful upselling. In the fixed-line business,
The increase in costs in the year under review was mainly due to higher workforce costs. These included positive one-off effects of around
The rest of the increase in core OPEX can be attributed to higher costs for network maintenance, product-related costs such as licenses and software for sale, and content costs. On the other hand, savings were made in energy and advertising costs. Restructuring charges increased by
The equipment margin fell among other things as a result of higher subsidies compared to the previous year.
Overall, EBITDA rose by 5.1%. The highest contributions to EBITDA growth came from
Depreciation increased significantly year-on-year, which can largely be attributed to the spin-off of the tower business in the previous year. This also led to a lower operating result (-5.4%). On a pro forma basis, the operating result was 1.8% higher. In 2024,
Income tax expenses decreased primarily as a result of deferred tax income and amounted to
The profit for the period fell slightly in the financial year 2024 to
2024 |
2023 |
∆ |
Earnings per share (in EUR) |
0.94 |
0.97 |
-3.0% |
Dividend per share, paid (in EUR) |
0.36 |
0.32 |
12.5% |
Free cash flow per share (in EUR) |
0.87 |
0.53 |
62.5% |
13.1% |
15.8% |
-2.7pp |
Operating ROIC |
11.2% |
12.9% |
-1.7pp |
Net assets and financial position
As of
Current liabilities increased due to the rise in lease liabilities short-term related to the shift from lease liabilities long-term. This development also impacted the decline in total non-current liabilities. The increase in equity is due to the period result being higher than the dividend payments in July.
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