From the House Democratic Leader's Press Office
THE FACTS: Overall, using every measuring stick, the Affordable Care Act is working. More specifically, the 2017 ACA Marketplaces are performing well.
2017 ACA Marketplaces Are Performing Well
* Enrollment In ACA Marketplaces for 2017 Is Higher Than At the Same Point Last Year. As of
* According to Outside Nonpartisan Analysts, The ACA Marketplaces Are
* The Real Average Annual Growth Rate of Premiums Paid by Employees for Employer-Based Coverage Has Slowed Dramatically - from 7.2 Percent to 3.1 Percent - Since Enactment of the ACA. In claiming that the ACA is failing,
* The Headlines of 2017 Marketplace Premium Increases Do Not Reflect the Premiums Paid by Vast Majority of Marketplace Consumers; the Vast Majority Pay Low to Moderate Premiums. Roughly 85 percent of Marketplace consumers receive tax credits, which both make their coverage more affordable and also protect them from premium increases. (They are generally protected from premium increases because, under the ACA, consumers pay a set percentage of their income on premiums.) As a result, the vast majority of consumers in the Marketplaces pay low to moderate premiums. For example, in 2016, nearly 70 percent of consumers had the option of selecting a health plan with a premium, after tax credits, of less the
Greater Coverage
* Due to ACA, Uninsured Rate Now At A Record Low. Due to the ACA, the uninsured rate is now the lowest on record - 8.6 percent. Under the ACA, the uninsured rate has been slashed almost in half - from 16.3 percent in 2010 to 8.6 percent today. [
* 20 Million Gaining Coverage. Overall, 20 million previously uninsured Americans have gained health insurance coverage since enactment of the Affordable Care Act. These 20 million have gained coverage both through the ACA's
Numerous Consumer Protections
* No Discrimination Against Pre-Existing Conditions. The ACA prohibits insurers from denying coverage or charging a higher premium to someone with a pre-existing health condition, like asthma or heart disease. Current law protects up to 129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition. [HHS] ((https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2016/12/13/new-report-details-impact-affordable-care-act.html))
* End to Annual and Lifetime Limits. Before the ACA, 105 million Americans, most of them with employer coverage, had a lifetime limit, or cap, on their insurance policy. When a serious illness struck, such coverage limits could force families into bankruptcy. The ACA prohibits annual and lifetime limits. [HHS] ((https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2016/12/13/new-report-details-impact-affordable-care-act.html))
* Free Preventive Services in Private Health Plans. 137 million Americans with private insurance now benefit from the ACA provision that requires private health plans to cover preventive services - like flu shots, cancer screenings, contraception, and mammograms - with no co-pay or deductible. [HHS] ((https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2016/12/13/new-report-details-impact-affordable-care-act.html))
* Coverage for Young Adults Up to Age 26 to Stay on Their Parents' Health Plan. An estimated 2.3 million young adults have benefited from the law allowing young adults to stay on their parents' health insurance up to age 26. [HHS] ((https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2016/12/13/new-report-details-impact-affordable-care-act.html))
* Focus on Patients, Not Profits. Under the ACA, insurers must spend at least 80 percent of premiums on actual health care - as opposed to advertising, CEO pay, and profits; if they don't, they must send rebates to consumers. As a result, since 2012, consumers have received
Benefits for Older Americans
* A Stronger Medicare. Since the enactment of the ACA, the solvency of the
* Lower Costs for Prescription Drugs. Nearly 12 million seniors have saved more than
* Free Preventive Services in
* 55 to 64 year-olds Can Now Find Affordable Coverage: Before the ACA, many early retirees could not find affordable coverage. By eliminating discrimination against pre-existing conditions and limiting age rating to 3:1, the ACA has now ensured affordable coverage for many of those ages 55 to 64. [HHS] ((https://aspe.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/207946/ACAHistoricIncreaseCoverage.pdf))
Improved Quality
* A Significant Drop in Unnecessary Hospital Readmissions. As a result of the ACA, unnecessary hospital readmissions in
* 87,000 Lives Saved. 87,000 lives and nearly
* Strong Consumer Satisfaction with Health Insurance Plans in the Marketplaces. In 2016, in a survey, 82 percent of consumers in Marketplace plans or newly insured under
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