EDITORIAL: The surprising way Trump, IRS have made Obamacare worse
Yet hopes that the Trump administration would act carefully to replace or repair a law even Obama says needs improving may be for naught. The administration decision revealed Wednesday to loosen some regulations to try to stabilize health insurers got mixed reviews. But a Trump executive order from last month requiring federal agencies to provide relief from provisions of what's widely known as Obamacare has magnified the law's key weakness.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people cannot be denied health insurance because of pre-existing medical conditions. People who don't have health insurance through their jobs or families are required to buy coverage on their own or through state exchanges in which policies are subsidized based on income. But because federal tax penalties for not buying insurance are minor compared with the cost of a year of premiums -- the median penalty in 2016 was just
This has long led to fears that state exchanges will face "death spirals" in which insurers have to pay for the cost of care for the sickest people without benefiting from the premiums paid by healthier individuals who don't use nearly as much medical care -- driving premiums higher and increasing the incentive for people to not buy coverage until necessary.
These fears aren't unfounded. In the 39 states that use the federal health insurance marketplace, ACA premiums for basic coverage were forecast to increase by an average of 25 percent this year. This week,
The president's executive order makes that more likely than ever. Its requirement that federal agencies provide ACA relief has been interpreted by the
It's clear that Obamacare shouldn't be replaced or revamped in a hurry. Still, it's time for the Trump administration and lawmakers of both parties to begin the overhaul of a health care system that's under siege.
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