EDITORIAL: Republicans unveil their prescription for American health care
Now, we'll find out whether theirs is a better idea.
That the ACA, or Obamacare, was in trouble was evident long before
What we felt went wrong with the ACA -- and may also prove to be the case with what may come to be known as Trumpcare -- was a failure to incorporate input from the "other" side.
The problem is the poor health of our national political system. Hard lines have been in place for some time now, and they have only been reinforced. While the discussion about a wall between
The sad thing is we likely are living in an America where this is the normal operating procedure in
By all accounts we have seen, the development of the
From the early accounts of the ACHA, it keeps some popular aspects of the ACA. Children will continue to be able to stay on their parents' policies through age 26, and coverage is maintained for those with pre-existing conditions. The tax penalty is done away with, replaced with a new "stick" that allows insurers to charge higher prices to those who allow their coverage to lapse. It also gives tax refunds to those who buy insurance policies -- an income cap has been included to keep wealthy taxpayers from getting the refunds -- and restructures
Whether it's better than the ACA, as
What we'd like to see is a meeting of the minds as the process moves forward. The condition of the ACA is terminal with the
We expect, however, that the
The experiences voters have with this plan once it's implemented will determine what the
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