EDITORIAL: Closing Medicaid gap: Several strategies could make a difference
The team is due to make its recommendations this month. A few covered in
Home health care
A well-intentioned program that allows family members to be paid for taking care of elderly or disabled loved ones has grown too expensive for the state to sustain it without some modifications.
The cost of the
Taking care of the elderly, the sick or the disabled can be a grueling and thankless task and CDPAP provides at least minimum-wage compensation. The program is a victim of its own success, in a way. The steep rise in the number of beneficiaries using the program has made costs skyrocket. It is expected to cost
There is legitimate concern about waste and room for fraud in the system. Personal assistants are not supervised -- they answer only to the individuals they are caring for. Some personal assistants can bill for hours when they are not working, and family members may be less likely to complain that they aren't receiving the proper amount of care.
More than 450 companies provide support services for enrollees, including filing billing claims through Medicaid. The state
The CDPAP program was conceived as a less expensive alternative to nursing homes for long-term care. It does a world of good to thousands of people, but needs some reining in.
Eligibility crackdown
Budget cutters look first for low-hanging fruit. Few parts of the program are as ripe and ready for pruning as ineligible enrollees. According to a study by researchers
In a report last summer, the
Enlisting inspectors from the state or federal government to perform more eligibility reviews would cost money, but with the potential to shave millions from
No more hiding assets
One of the most rampant forms of Medicaid abuse is the all-too-common practice of shielding financial assets -- moving them to a family member or close friend -- so that they appear eligible for Medicaid to pay their tab for long-term care.
Such a move would be the opposite of popular, but it's the right thing to do. Cheating the Medicaid system is not a victimless crime. The price is paid by everyone who pays into the system. Uncle Sam is just a metaphor, not a rich relative who will write big checks. Stealing from "the government" is stealing from all of us.
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