EDITORIAL: A Sunshine Week reminder of local reporters' impact
The decision came Monday in a hearing held by telephone because of the coronavirus outbreak.
For thousands of people whose homes burned in fires blamed on utility equipment, bigger news came a week earlier when
If it weren't for some dogged reporting, that claim may have gone unnoticed until it was too late.
In an accompanying column,
She didn't settle for vague answers offered by bankruptcy lawyers on all sides of the
Johnson started digging through thousands of pages of court filings and discovered that
Public agencies exerted pressure on fire victims to participate in the
Under tight deadlines imposed by the government, thousands of people agreed. Then they learned that
There's more at stake here than the federal government's credibility. Many, perhaps most, fire victims were underinsured, and settlement money may determine whether they are able to rebuild.
After Johnson's article appeared, three dozen congressmen, including North Bay Reps.
And, last week,
The outcome is a victory for fire victims and a reminder that the public directly benefits from the work done by journalists at The Press Democrat and other news organizations -- during
You can send a letter to the editor at [email protected].
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