East Buffalo supervisors OK new insurance costs [The Daily Item, Sunbury, Pa.]
Daily Item (Sunbury, PA)
Mar. 12—LEWISBURG — The East Buffalo Township Supervisors approved a new insurance plan at $86,593 with a $2,500 deductible.
The new plan from Penn National, approved during Monday night's public meeting, saves the township $1,193. Previous deductibles were either $500 or $1,000.
This is an overall increase of 6.9 percent from last year, which is a result of a combination of factors: increased building values, increased workers compensation, and an ongoing claim and pending lawsuit from an accident in 2021.
The township's plan includes insurance for package (property), inland marine (township equipment) auto, workers comp and umbrella from Penn National. They also have liability insurance from Greenwich and cyber insurance from Intrada Technologies.
(c)2024 The Daily Item (Sunbury, Pa.)
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