Coronavirus hits nearly 300 Pa. elder-care centers, accounting for half the state’s deaths
The coronavirus has crept into nearly 300 elder-care facilities in
The statistics were released on a day when
All Pa. businesses must require employees and customers to wear masks amid coronavirus pandemicIn
The rate of increase in new cases has flattened substantially in both states and nationwide. But the
In 297 of those centers, 3,316 coronavirus cases were verified. In
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That said, Farley added that the region’s health-care system has not been overburdened. "We have plenty of availability in hospitals,” he said.
While the increases in cases have trended downward, officials on both sides of the river were doubling down on measures aimed at crushing the curve.
The supply may be nearly depleted, said
The decree requires that businesses provide space for employees to have breaks and meals while maintaining social distance; conduct meetings and training virtually; prohibit all nonessential visitors; and install shields or other barriers at checkout areas, or take other measures to ensure social distancing.
“This order provides critical protections for the workers needed to run and operate these life-sustaining establishments," said Gov.
It passed both chambers, primarily along party lines. While
Meanwhile, some residents of both states are receiving their stimulus checks, signed by President
According to the Commerce Department’s preliminary report, auto sales dropped 25.6%, while sales at clothing stores plummeted 50.5%. Sales at gas stations, impacted by a drop in commuting and lower oil prices, fell 17%.
By contrast, sales at grocery stores skyrocketed 26%, as Americans stocked up on food and supplies while shelter-at-home rules went into effect. Online sales also rose 3.1%.
Prior to last month, the largest one-month drop in retail sales occurred during the fall of 2008, the peak of the financial crisis, when spending dropped 4% in both October and November.
Some of the businesses that are prospering might be bending the rules.
“When people are concerned about keeping their families healthy and paying their bills, they shouldn’t have to worry about becoming the victim of unscrupulous market practices,” Grewal said. “If you’re a business looking to take advantage of
Most complaints are against businesses raising prices on items like surgical masks, hand sanitizers, disinfectant sprays, food, and bottled water. Violations can carry a
While Trump said that on Thursday he will announce guidelines for states with low coronavirus rates to potentially reopen, Murphy made it clear Wednesday that
He predicted that
Murphy said “he could easily see” a situation where restaurants would be limited to serving only 50% of their capacity; be ordered to perform temperature or saliva checks; require employees to wear masks and gloves; and adopt stringent sanitation protocols.
“The notion we’re going to turn the clock back … to three months ago,” Murphy said. “I just don’t see it."
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Man arrested Tuesday after injuring state trooper with vehicle in tornado-hit East Brainerd neighborhood
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