Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies-FR Y-9C
Last Update: 20221108.160118
RSSD ID: 3846375
OMB Number 7100-0128
Approval expires
Consolidated Financial Statements for
Holding Companies-FRY-9C
Report at the close of business as of the last calendar day of the quarter
This Report is required by law: Section 5(c) of the BHC Act |
companies meeting certain criteria must file this report (FR Y-9C) |
(12 U.S.C. § 1844(c)), section 10 of Home Owners' Loan Act |
regardless of size. See page 1 of the general instructions for fur- |
(HOLA) (12 U.S.C. § 1467a(b)), section 618 of the Dodd-Frank Act |
ther information. However, when such holding companies own or |
(12 U.S.C. § 1850a(c)(1)), section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act |
control, or are owned or controlled by, other holding companies, |
(12 U.S.C. § 5365), and section 252.153(b)(2) of Regulation YY |
only the top-tier holding company must file this report for the con- |
(12 CFR 252.153(b)(2)). |
solidated holding company organization. The |
This report form is to be filed by holding companies with total |
may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization (or a person) is |
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it dis- |
consolidated assets of |
plays a currently valid OMB control number. |
NOTE: Each holding company's board of directors and senior man- |
Date of Report: |
agement are responsible for establishing and maintaining an effec- |
Month / Day / Year (BHCK 9999) |
tive system of internal control, including controls over the |
Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies. The |
Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies is to be |
prepared in accordance with instructions provided by the Federal |
Reserve System. The Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding |
Companies must be signed and attested by the Chief Financial |
Officer (CFO) of the reporting holding company (or by the individual |
performing this equivalent function). |
I, the undersigned CFO (or equivalent) of the named holding |
company, attest that the Consolidated Financial Statements for |
Holding Companies (including the supporting schedules) for this |
report date have been prepared in conformance with the instruc- |
tions issued by the |
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. |
Signature of Chief Financial Officer (or Equivalent) (BHCK H321)
Legal Title of Holding Company (RSSD 9017)
(Mailing Address of the Holding Company) Street / PO Box (RSSD 9110)
IL |
60015 |
Date of Signature (MM/DD/YYYY) (BHTX J196) |
City (RSSD 9130) |
State (RSSD 9200) |
Is confidential treatment requested for any |
0=No |
..................portion of this report submission? |
1=Yes |
C447 |
0 |
In accordance with the General Instructions for this report (check only one),
1. a letter justifying this request is being provided along
with the report (BHCK KY38) ........................................
2. a letter justifying this request has been provided
separately (BHCK KY38) .............................................
For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only
Person to whom questions about this report should be directed:
Area Code / Phone Number (BHTX 8902)
Area Code / FAX Number (BHTX 9116)
E-mail Address of Contact (BHTX 4086)
Holding companies must maintain in their files a manually signed and attested printout of the data submitted.
Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to vary from 5 to 1,250 hours per response, with an average of 44.79 hours per response for non-Advanced Approaches holding companies with
System, |
10/2022 |
Last Update: 20221108.160118 |
RSSD ID: 3846375 |
FR Y-9C |
Page 2 of 76 |
Chief Executive Officer Contact Information
This information is being requested so the Board can distribute notifications about policy initiatives and other matters directly to the Chief Executive Officers of reporting institutions. Please provide contact information for the Chief Executive Officer of the reporting institution. Enter "none" for the Chief Executive Officer's email address if not available. Chief Executive Officer contact information is for the confidential use of the Board and will not be released to the public.
Chief Executive Officer
Area Code / Phone Number / Extension (BHCK FT43)
E-mail Address (BHCK FT44)
Last Update: 20221108.160118 |
RSSD ID: 3846375 |
FR Y-9C |
For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only |
Page 3 of 76 |
Report of Income for Holding Companies |
S.F. |
Report all Schedules of the Report of Income on a calendar year-to-date basis. |
Schedule HI-Consolidated Income Statement |
Dollar Amounts in Thousands |
Amount |
1. Interest income |
a. Interest and fee income on loans: |
(1) In domestic offices: |
(a) Loans secured by 1- 4 family residential properties............................................... |
4435 |
111871 |
1.a.(1)(a) |
(b) All other loans secured by real estate................................................................. |
4436 |
0 |
1.a.(1)(b) |
(c) All other loans ............................................................................................... |
F821 |
9046683 |
1.a.(1)(c) |
(2) In foreign offices, Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs .................................... |
4059 |
0 |
1.a.(2) |
b. Income from lease financing receivables..................................................................... |
4065 |
0 |
1.b. |
.........................................c. Interest income on balances due from depository institutions1 |
4115 |
80299 |
1.c. |
d. Interest and dividend income on securities: |
(1) |
(excluding mortgage-backed securities).................................................................. |
B488 |
96710 |
1.d.(1) |
(2) Mortgage-backed securities ................................................................................. |
B489 |
7200 |
1.d.(2) |
(3) All other securities.............................................................................................. |
4060 |
4931 |
1.d.(3) |
..........................................................................e. Interest income from trading assets2 |
4069 |
0 |
1.e. |
f. Interest income on federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements |
to resell................................................................................................................ |
4020 |
0 |
1.f. |
g. Other interest income ............................................................................................. |
4518 |
1004 |
1.g. |
......................................................h. Total interest income (sum of items 1.a through 1.g) |
4107 |
9348698 |
1.h. |
2. Interest expense |
a. Interest on deposits: |
(1) In domestic offices: |
(a) Time deposits of |
HK03 |
262870 |
2.a.(1)(a) |
(b) Time deposits of more than |
HK04 |
13745 |
2.a.(1)(b) |
(c) Other deposits............................................................................................... |
6761 |
367064 |
2.a.(1)(c) |
....................................(2) In foreign offices, Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs |
4172 |
0 |
2.a.(2) |
b. Expense on federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase ... |
4180 |
0 |
2.b. |
c. Interest on trading liabilities and other borrowed money2 |
...........................................................(excluding subordinated notes and debentures) |
4185 |
401201 |
2.c. |
d. Interest on subordinated notes and debentures and on mandatory convertible |
securities2 ............................................................................................................ |
4397 |
16566 |
2.d. |
e. Other interest expense............................................................................................ |
4398 |
0 |
2.e. |
f. Total interest expense (sum of items 2.a through 2.e) .................................................... |
4073 |
1061446 |
2.f. |
3. Net interest income (item 1.h minus item 2.f)................................................................... |
4074 |
8287252 |
3. |
..............................................................................4. Provision for loan and lease losses3 |
JJ33 |
1476186 |
4. |
5. Noninterest income: |
a. Income from fiduciary activities ................................................................................. |
4070 |
0 |
5.a. |
b. Service charges on deposit accounts in domestic offices................................................ |
4483 |
1455 |
5.b. |
c. Trading revenue2, 4.................................................................................................. |
A220 |
0 |
5.c. |
- Includes interest income on time certificates of deposit not held for trading.
- To be completed by holding companies with
$5 billion or more in total assets. (Asset-sizetest is based on the prior yearJune 30 report date). Income and or expenses pertaining to these items should be reported in the "other" categories 1.g, 2.e, and 5.l, respectively by holding companies with less than$5 billion in total assets. - Institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-13 should report in item 4, the provisions for credit losses for all financial assets andoff-balancesheet credit exposures that fall within the scope of the standard.
- For holding companies required to complete Schedule HI, memoranda item 9, trading revenue reported in Schedule HI, item 5.c must equal the sum of memoranda items 9.a through 9.e.
Last Update: 20221108.160118 |
RSSD ID: 3846375 |
FR Y-9C |
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Schedule HI-Continued
Dollar Amounts in Thousands |
Amount |
Holding companies with less than |
5.d.(7) only and leave 5.d.(1) through 5.d.(5) blank. |
5. d. Income from securities-related and insurance activities: |
(1) Fees and commissions from securities brokerage .................................................... |
C886 |
0 |
(2) Investment banking, advisory, and underwriting fees and commissions......................... |
C888 |
0 |
(3) Fees and commissions from annuity sales.............................................................. |
C887 |
0 |
(4) Underwriting income from insurance and reinsurance activities ................................... |
C386 |
0 |
(5) Income from other insurance activities ................................................................... |
C387 |
49666 |
(6) Fees and commissions from securities brokerage, investment banking, advisory, and |
underwriting fees and commissions ....................................................................... |
KX46 |
(7) Income from insurance activities5 ......................................................................... |
KX47 |
..........................................................................................e. Venture capital revenue6 |
B491 |
0 |
..................................................................................................f. Net servicing fees |
B492 |
0 |
........................................................................................g. Net securitization income6 |
B493 |
0 |
h. Not applicable. |
i. Net gains (losses) on sales of loans and lease ............................................................. |
8560 |
0 |
j. Net gains (losses) on sales of other real estate owned................................................... |
8561 |
0 |
k. Net gains (losses) on sales of other assets7 ................................................................. |
B496 |
0 |
l. Other noninterest income8........................................................................................ |
B497 |
1453116 |
m. Total noninterest income (sum of items 5.a through 5.l).................................................. |
4079 |
1504237 |
6. a. Realized gains (losses) on held-to-maturity securities.................................................... |
3521 |
0 |
b. Realized gains (losses) on available-for-saledebt securities........................................... |
3196 |
0 |
7. Noninterest expense: |
a. Salaries and employee benefits ................................................................................ |
4135 |
1604889 |
b. Expenses of premises and fixed assets (net of rental income) |
(excluding salaries and employee benefits and mortgage interest) ................................... |
4217 |
123673 |
c. (1) |
C216 |
0 |
(2) Amortization expense and impairment losses for other intangible assets ....................... |
C232 |
0 |
d. Other noninterest expense9 ...................................................................................... |
4092 |
1989866 |
e. Total noninterest expense (sum of items 7.a through 7.d) ............................................... |
4093 |
3718428 |
8. a. Income (loss) before change in net unrealized holding gains (losses) on equity securities |
not held for trading, applicable income taxes, and discontinued operations |
(sum of items 3, 5.m, 6.a, 6.b, minus items 4 and 7.e) ................................................... |
HT69 |
4596875 |
b. Change in net unrealized holding gains (losses) on equity securities not held for trading10.... |
HT70 |
-209615 |
c. Income (loss) before applicable income taxes and discontinued operations |
(sum of items 8.a and 8.b) ....................................................................................... |
4301 |
4387260 |
9. Applicable income taxes (on item 8.c)............................................................................ |
4302 |
1028575 |
10. Income (loss) before discontinued operations (item 8.c minus item 9) ..................................... |
4300 |
3358685 |
11. Discontinued operations, net of applicable income taxes11 .................................................. |
FT28 |
0 |
12. Net income (loss) attributable to holding company and noncontrolling |
(minority) interests (sum of items 10 and 11) ................................................................... |
G104 |
3358685 |
13. LESS: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling (minority) interests |
(if net income, report as a positive value; if net loss, report as a negative value) ..................... |
G103 |
0 |
14. Net income (loss) attributable to holding company (item 12 minus item 13) ........................... |
4340 |
3358685 |
5. Includes underwriting income from insurance and reinsurance activities.
6. To be completed by holding companies with
7. Excludes net gains (losses) on sales of trading assets and held-to-maturity and available-for-saledebt securities.
8. See Schedule HI, memoranda item 6.
9. See Schedule HI, memoranda item 7.
10. Item 8.b is to be completed by all holding companies. See the instructions for this item and the Glossary entry for "Securities Activities" for further detail on accounting for investments in equity securities.
11. Describe on Schedule HI, memoranda item 8.
Last Update: 20221108.160118 |
RSSD ID: 3846375 |
FR Y-9C |
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Schedule HI-Continued
Dollar Amounts in Thousands |
Amount |
Memo Items 1 and 2 are to be reported by holding companies with |
total assets.1 |
1. Net interest income (item 3 above) on a fully taxable equivalent basis ................................. |
4519 |
8287252 |
2. Net income before applicable income taxes, and discontinued operations (item 8.c above) |
................................................................................on a fully taxable equivalent basis |
4592 |
4387260 |
3. Income on tax-exempt loans and leases to states and political subdivisions in the |
........................................................(included in Schedule HI, items 1.a and 1.b, above) |
4313 |
0 |
4. Income on tax-exempt securities issued by states and political subdivisions in the |
................................................................(included in Schedule HI, item 1.d.(3), above) |
4507 |
0 |
5. Number of full-time equivalent employees at end of current period |
Number |
.................................................................................(round to nearest whole number) |
4150 |
18171 |
Memo Items 6.a through 6.j are to be completed annually on a calendar year-to-date basis in the |
December report only by holding companies with less than |
companies with |
6. Other noninterest income (from Schedule HI, item 5.l, above) (only report amounts greater |
than |
Amount |
...................................................a. Income and fees from the printing and sale of checks |
C013 |
0 |
............................b. Earnings on/increase in value of cash surrender value of life insurance |
C014 |
0 |
..............................................c. Income and fees from automated teller machines (ATMs) |
C016 |
0 |
....................................................d. Rent and other income from other real estate owned |
4042 |
0 |
e. Safe deposit box rent............................................................................................. |
C015 |
0 |
f. Bank card and credit card interchange fees ................................................................ |
F555 |
1056148 |
g. Income and fees from wire transfers ......................................................................... |
T047 |
0 |
Net credit card fee income |
h. |
8562 |
8562 |
187588 |
Transaction Processing Revenue |
i. |
8563 |
8563 |
142777 |
j. |
8564 |
8564 |
Memo Items 7.a through 7.p are to be completed annually on a calendar year-to-date basis in the |
December report only by holding companies with less than |
companies with |
7. Other noninterest expense (from Schedule HI, item 7.d, above) (only report amounts greater |
than |
a. Data processing expenses...................................................................................... |
C017 |
273590 |
b. Advertising and marketing expenses......................................................................... |
0497 |
708699 |
c. Directors' fees ...................................................................................................... |
4136 |
0 |
d. Printing, stationery, and supplies .............................................................................. |
C018 |
0 |
e. Postage .............................................................................................................. |
8403 |
0 |
f. Legal fees and expenses........................................................................................ |
4141 |
0 |
g. |
4146 |
h. Accounting and auditing expenses ........................................................................... |
F556 |
0 |
i. Consulting and advisory expenses ........................................................................... |
F557 |
217728 |
j. Automated teller machine (ATM) and interchange expenses .......................................... |
F558 |
0 |
................................................................................k. Telecommunications expenses |
F559 |
0 |
l. Other real estate owned expenses ........................................................................... |
0 |
1. Asset-size test is based on the total assets reported as of prior year
2. Amounts reported in Memorandum item 7.g will not be made available to the public on an individual institution basis.
M.7.h. M.7. i. M.7. j. M.7.k. M.7. l.
OSCAR HEALTH, INC. – 10-Q – Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
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