Congressional Research Service Report: 'Medicare Trigger'
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA; P.L. 108173) requires the Medicare
The Medicare trustees made a determination of excess general revenue funding in each of their 2006 through 2013 reports and in each of their 2017 through 2020 reports. The Medicare trustees therefore issued funding warnings in their 2007 through 2013 and 2018, 2019, and 2020 reports, thus requiring specified actions by the President and
The Medicare trigger focuses attention on the impact of program spending on the federal budget, and it provides one measure of the financial health of the program. However, some options for reducing general revenue spending below the 45% level would have a greater impact than others.
Proponents of the trigger maintain that it forces fiscal responsibility, whereas critics of the trigger suggest that other measures of Medicare spending, such as total Medicare spending as a portion of federal spending, would be more useful indicators.
As required by the Social Security Act, a Medicare
Medicare Financing/2
The primary source of financing for the
Other sources of revenue for the
The other 75% of revenues for the
The 2020 report of the Medicare
Because of the way it is financed, the SMI fund cannot face insolvency; however, the Medicare trustees project that SMI expenditures will continue to grow rapidly and thus place increasing strains on the federal budget.
The Medicare Trigger
Because of concerns over the potential for growth in general revenue spending for Medicare over time, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA; P.L. 108-173) created a Medicare trigger that requires certain actions to be taken should general revenue funding be expected to exceed a certain proportion of total Medicare outlays within a certain number of years./6
Specifically, Section 801 of the MMA requires the Medicare trustees, beginning with their 2005 report, to examine and make a determination each year of whether general revenue funding is expected to exceed 45% of Medicare outlays for the current fiscal year or any of the following six fiscal years./7
An affirmative determination in two consecutive annual reports is considered to be a Medicare funding warning in the year in which the second report is made./8
If such a warning is issued, the MMA (Sections 802-804) specifies certain requirements and procedures for the President and
Determination of a Medicare Funding Warning
Section 801 of the MMA defines the key measures and terms used in determining a Medicare funding warning.
* Excess general revenue Medicare funding occurs when general revenue Medicare funding divided by total Medicare outlays exceeds 45%.
* General revenue Medicare funding is defined as total Medicare outlays minus dedicated financing sources./9
* Total Medicare outlays include total outlays from the HI and SMI Trust Funds. The law specifies that payments made to plans under Part C (Medicare Advantage, MA) for rebates, and administrative expenditures for carrying out Medicare, are to be included in the total. Fraud and abuse collections that are applied or deposited into a Medicare trust fund are to be deducted from the total.
* Dedicated revenue sources include the following: (1) HI payroll taxes; (2) amounts transferred to the Medicare trust funds from the Railroad Retirement pension fund; (3) income from taxation of certain
* A Medicare funding warning is triggered when two consecutive Medicare trustees' reports contain projections that general revenue Medicare funding will exceed 45% of total Medicare outlays at some point during the next seven years (this includes the current and six subsequent fiscal years).
Content omitted: Medicare Trigger Formula
Issuance of Funding Warnings
The Medicare trustees made a determination of excess general revenue funding in each of their 2006 through 2013 reports and in their 2017 through 2020 reports. Therefore, in their 2007 through 2013 and in their 2018, 2019, and 2020 reports, the Medicare trustees issued Medicare funding warnings, thus requiring specified actions by the President and
Specifically, the Medicare trustees first made a determination of excess general revenue Medicare funding in their 2006 report and did so in each report through 2013./10
As two consecutive such determinations trigger a funding warning, funding warnings were issued each year from 2007 through 2013. The 2013 report was the eighth consecutive time that the threshold was estimated to be exceeded within the first seven years of the projection, and it was the seventh time that a Medicare funding warning was triggered./11
However, the Medicare Trustees Reports issued in 2014 through 2016 projected that Medicare general revenue funding would not exceed 45% of total Medicare outlays within the next seven years. Therefore, the Medicare trustees did not issue determinations of excess general revenues and funding warnings were not triggered in those years. Specifically, in their 2014 and 2015 reports, the Medicare trustees projected that the expected higher tax income and lower outlays due to provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA; P.L. 111-148) and other legislation would result in general revenue funding remaining below the 45% threshold over the next seven years. For similar reasons, as well as a slowing in Medicare spending, the Medicare trustees estimated in their 2016 report that general revenue funding would remain below the 45% threshold through the next seven years (through FY2022); however, the 2016 report projected that the threshold would be exceeded in FY2023 (the eighth year).
In their 2017 report, consistent with their 2016 projections, the Medicare trustees estimated that general revenues would exceed the 45% threshold in FY2023, now within the seven-year projection window. Therefore, the trustees issued a determination of excess general revenue Medicare funding in that year./12
In their 2018,2019 and 2020 reports, the trustees also estimated that general revenues would exceed the 45% threshold within the seven-year projection window, but now in FY2022 (at the end of CY2021); they therefore issued a determination of excess general revenue Medicare funding in each of these years (see Figure 1)./13
Because such a determination was made in three consecutive years, a funding warning was triggered each year from 2018 to 2020.
In their 2020 report, the Medicare trustees projected that the ratio of dedicated funding to outlays would exceed 45% by the end of CY2021, grow to almost 54% by CY2044, and decline to about 52% by the end of the 75-year projection period, in CY2094.
Content omitted: Figure 1.Projected Difference between Total Medicare Outlays and Dedicated Financing Sources, as a Percentage of Total Outlays
Required Presidential Action
In years in which the Medicare trustees issue a Medicare funding warning, the President is required to submit to
Although the precise contents of the proposal remain within the President's discretion,/15 Section 802 of the MMA requires that the proposal be submitted within 15 days of submitting a budget in the next year (for the subsequent fiscal year)./16
The requirement that the President submit proposed
legislation in response to a funding warning does not apply, however, if, "during the year in which the warning is made,"
The executive branch has generally taken the position that, under the
These objections have been registered in numerous presidential signing statements and
For example, upon signing the MMA on
Similarly, the
Notwithstanding his objections to Section 802,
No action was taken on the President's proposal. Although the Medicare trustees subsequently issued funding warnings each year from 2008 through 2013, and again in 2018 and 2019, no additional legislative proposals have been submitted to
(Since the Medicare trustees did not issue funding warnings in their 2014 through 2017 reports,/24 the President was not required to submit related legislation subsequent to his 2015 through 2018 budget submissions [for FY2016 through FY2019].) Because the Medicare trustees issued a funding warning in their 2020 report, the MMA provides that the President will be required to submit a responsive legislative proposal after the 2021 release of his FY2022 budget.
The Recommendation Clause provides that the President "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."/25
Courts have rarely been presented with the opportunity to interpret the scope of this clause. However, the text of the clause, read in conjunction with analogous case law, does not appear to support an interpretation that would prevent
Thus, this right would appear only to be infringed where
Expedited Congressional Consideration
In any year in which the MMA requires the President to submit draft Medicare funding legislation, the act directs that in each chamber, within three days of session after the proposal is received, the two floor leaders (or their designees) introduce a bill reflecting it, with the title "A bill to respond to a Medicare funding warning." This measure, or, under certain circumstances, an alternative Medicare funding measure, is potentially subject to consideration under fast track rules established by the statute, rather than under the regular rules and procedures that govern consideration of legislation in the two chambers./29
These expedited procedures place limits on committee consideration, as well as potentially on Members' ability to debate and amend legislation on the floor and to offer certain motions that would otherwise be in order. These procedures are designed to guarantee that each house will have an opportunity to consider legislation to respond to the funding warning. They do not guarantee, however, that (1) the President's specific proposal will be the one considered or (2)
In response to
Procedures (and Activity) for the House
In any year in which the MMA requires the President to submit draft Medicare funding legislation, the committee(s) of referral must report Medicare funding legislation by
Whether or not the reported measure is affirmatively certified as responding to the funding warning, the House may consider that measure under its regular procedures. However, if the House has not voted on final passage of an affirmatively certified measure by
The MMA describes these procedures as a fallback, in that they apply only if the House has not already voted on legislation affirmatively certified to respond to the funding warning (regardless of whether that legislation passed or not). In addition, once the House agrees to one such motion to discharge, the motion is no longer in order during that session of
A motion to discharge made under this "fallback" provision must be made by a supporter, seconded by one-fifth of the House's membership (a quorum being present), and is debatable for one hour. If the House adopts the motion to discharge, the Speaker must, within three days of session thereafter, resolve the House into
Procedures for the
The statutory procedures provided in the
Debate on the motion to discharge is limited to two hours, a restriction which ensures that a vote on the motion cannot be prevented by a filibuster.
In combination, these provisions afford the
After the date on which the
Varying Impact of Legislative Options
As noted earlier, the Medicare HI and SMI Trust Funds are statutorily independent; this means that any funds raised for one fund cannot be used to pay expenses out of the other. However, the formula used to determine excess general revenue Medicare funding combines revenue streams from both the HI and SMI Trust Funds.
Because of the way that the trigger formula is structured, the various methods that could be used to reduce the general revenue Medicare funding percentage would not necessarily reduce federal general revenue outlays (used to finance Parts B and D) or reduce the percentage in direct proportion to reductions in total spending.
Specifically, to reduce the percentage, one could increase dedicated financing (e.g., payroll taxes or premiums) or reduce outlays (HI and/or SMI spending), or some combination of the two. In the illustrative example presented in Table 1 below, applying FY2012 CBO estimates to the equation shown in the "The Medicare Trigger" section of this report,/33 the total expected outlays of
Content omitted: Table 1. Illustrative Effect of Options to Lower General Revenue Medicare Funding as a Percentage of Total Medicare Outlays Under the Trigger Calculation
Another option would be to decrease total outlays by reducing Part A (
While the above options of increasing the payroll tax or lowering Part A spending would eliminate excess general revenue Medicare funding as defined under the Medicare trigger, these options would have no impact on actual federal general revenue spending (used to finance Parts B and D outlays) because Part A is primarily funded through payroll taxes./35
Similarly, continuing with the examples in Table 1, one could reach the 45% general revenue spending level by increasing beneficiaries' Part B premiums by a percentage that would increase dedicated revenues by
Although total Medicare outlays would remain the same, the general revenue percentage as defined by the trigger calculation and the level of Medicare spending financed through federal general revenues would both decline under this scenario.
Alternatively, Part B outlays could be reduced. However, because approximately 25% of SMI spending is financed by premiums, income from premiums (which are calculated based on expected outlays) would also be reduced under this option (i.e., a reduction in Part B outlays would be partially offset by a reduction in dedicated revenues). Therefore, greater spending reductions would be needed under Part B than under Part A to achieve the same amount of reduction in the general revenue funding percentage. In this example, a reduction in Part B outlays of
Excess general revenue Medicare funding is one measure that can be used to depict the financial status of the Medicare program. Other measures, discussed in CRS Report R43122, Medicare Financial Status: In Brief include the date of HI insolvency, HI income and costs relative to payroll taxes, long-term unfunded obligations, and Medicare costs as a percentage of GDP.
Proponents of the 45% threshold measurement believe that it can serve as an effective early warning system of the impact of Medicare spending on the federal budget, and that it forces fiscal responsibility. Opponents of the measure suggest that it does not adequately recognize a shift toward the provision of more services on an outpatient basis (thus shifting spending from Medicare Part A to Part B) or the impact of the Part D program on general revenue increases, and that other measures, such as Medicare spending as a portion of total federal spending, are better ways to determine the health of the Medicare program.
* * *
View report, tables and footnotes at
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