Congressional Research Service Report: 'Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 – Implementation Update Tables for Select Provisions'
The report was co-authored by Emergency management and disaster recovery analysts
management analyst
Numerous natural disasters--including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017 and the devastating wildfires in
As with past disaster legislation, lessons learned revealed areas that could be improved through legislative and programmatic changes. DRRA was intended to improve disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation, including pre-disaster mitigation; clarify assistance program eligibility, processes, and limitations; and increase
In DRRA's 46 sections,
A companion product, CRS Report R46776, The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA): Implementation Updates for Select Provisions, provides a more detailed description and analysis of some of the provisions included in the tables below that are of sustained and significant interest to
The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA, Division D of P.L. 115-254) was enacted on
To accomplish these objectives, DRRA amended many sections of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act, P.L. 93-288, as amended; 42 U.S.C. Sec.Sec.5121 et seq.). The Stafford Act is the foundational legislation for federal emergency authorities and disaster relief to local, state, territorial, and Indian tribal governments, certain private nonprofit organizations, and individuals and families, as well as emergency management policy. DRRA also provided new standalone authorities, and required rulemaking, reporting to
DRRA is comprised of 46 sections (DRRA Sections 1201-1246). Most DRRA sections assign
DRRA sections that are reportedly still in progress include provisions related to
* rulemaking (see DRRA Sections 1211(a); 1235(d); and 1239(b));
* reporting to
* updating policies and issuing guidance (see DRRA Section 1216(c); and 1228).
This report provides implementation status updates for select DRRA provisions that
* programmatic effects;
* reporting requirements;
* rulemaking and regulations; and
* guidance and other required actions.
A companion product, CRS Report R46776, The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA): Implementation Updates for Select Provisions, provides a more detailed description and analysis of some of the provisions in the tables below. Those provisions, which are marked in the tables by an asterisk (*), focus primarily on the DRRA provisions that
The companion report also offers policy considerations for
Additional background information on many of DRRA's provisions can be found in CRS Report R45819, The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA): A Summary of Selected Statutory Provisions, which includes an overview of the federal assistance programs as they existed prior to DRRA's enactment, and a discussion of how they were modified; the context or rationale for program modifications or changes to disaster assistance policies; and potential considerations and issues for
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Report Limitations and Caveats
The following limitations and caveats apply to this report:
* This report provides implementation updates for select aspects of provisions enacted in DRRA. It does not include updates for every DRRA provision, nor does it include updates for every provision included in the tables within CRS Report R45819, The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA): A Summary of Selected Statutory Provisions.
* The information included in this report is subject to change, including due to subsequent administrative or congressional actions.
* The implementation information included represents the best available information as of
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Tables of DRRA Implementation Updates
The following three tables provide implementation updates associated with DRRA's programmatic effects, reporting requirements, rulemaking and regulations, and guidance and other required actions. These tables focus on the implementation of select DRRA provisions, and are organized by each provision's implementation status (i.e., implemented, in progress, or unverified).
The information included in the tables is based on publicly available information and information reported by
Features of the tables are as follows:
* Some DRRA sections include multiple implementation actions and requirements. As such, they may appear multiple times within a table or in multiple tables. This may occur if some provisions of a section have been implemented (e.g., an interim policy has been issued), and others remain in progress (e.g., the final rule has not been issued but is in the process of being drafted). Where relevant, the subsection may also be listed (for the example provided, see DRRA Section 1235(b) and 1235(d), respectively).
* Some DRRA sections do not specify the date by which the implementation action or requirement must be completed. For these sections, the due date and calendar deadline are listed as "N/A."
* The DRRA sections that include requirements for ongoing actions (e.g., monthly reporting requirements) list the deadline as "ongoing."
* In several cases, DRRA's implementation deadlines have passed.
* In several cases, DRRA's implementation deadlines have passed. Additional information regarding DRRA deadlines and actions that
* Abbreviations used in the tables are defined in the associated table notes sections.
Implemented Provisions
Table 1 lists the DRRA provisions
Content omitted: Table 1. Implemented DRRA Provisions
In Progress
Table 2 lists the DRRA provisions that
Content omitted: Table 2. In Progress DRRA Provisions
Unverified Status
Table 3 lists the DRRA provisions for which CRS was unable to verify the implementation status (e.g., information is not publicly available). It is organized chronologically by the implementation deadline, and includes the relevant DRRA sections; the referenced Stafford Act sections, if applicable; the due dates described in DRRA; and the implementation deadlines expressed as calendar dates.
Content omitted: Table 3. Unverified Status of DRRA Provision Implementation Concluding Observations
As of
Author Information
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View tables, footnotes and full text of the report at
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