Commissioner Woelfel appointed to Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust
Steven SpencerCalhoun News-Herald
Calhoun County Commissioner Terry Woelfel was recently selected to serve on the Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust of the United Counties Council of Illinois.
The UCCI is an association of county boards that provides services to counties and county officials across the state of Illinois.
According to their website, the Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (ICRMT) was developed by UCCI in 1983 as an insurance pool offering numerous types of coverage to address the various risks faced by public entities. Presently, more than 200 units of local government participate in the ICRMT, including over 50% of counties located in Illinois, as well as numerous municipalities, townships and school districts.
Woelfel is an eight year member of the Calhoun County Board and serves on several committees within the county government.
Woelfel said he is honored to be appointed to the UCCI's Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust and is proud to serve and represent Calhoun County.
This story corrects an error in a previous article which stated Woelfel was appointed to the UCCI Executive Board.
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