Chairwoman Titus Demands Answers From Trump Administration on Attempt to Dictate Architectural Style of Federal Buildings, Courthouses
Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management
In her letter to
Chairwoman Titus continued: "...imposing a preferred architectural style for federal facilities runs counter to our nation's democratic traditions. Attempting to implement this misguided mandate from
Chairwoman Titus has introduced legislation, the Democracy in Design Act (H.R. 7604), to prohibit
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Read the full letter to
To: Ms.
Dear Administrator Murphy,
I write today to inquire and express my concern about language in the recently released
In my duty as the Chairwoman of the Subcommittee overseeing the Public Buildings Service, it is concerning to me that the
It is especially concerning that
"2. The development of an official style must be avoided. Design must flow from the architectural profession to the Government, and not vice versa. The Government should be willing to pay some additional cost to avoid excessive uniformity in design of Federal buildings. Competitions for the design of Federal buildings may be held where appropriate. The advice of distinguished architects ought to, as a rule, be sought prior to the award of important design contract."
The "excellence" strived for within the Design Excellence Program's policies and procedures depends on continued adherence to the Guiding Principles - including a style-neutral approach that focuses on community-centered decision making, peer review, and architectural skill. This country does not impose a particular architectural style preference from
The recent solicitations for services represent a troubling emerging pattern of attempts to dictate architectural style directly from the federal government. Last year, a draft Executive Order circulated by the
This draft Executive Order, even in draft form and not finalized, represents an enormous affront to the principles of local control and community input as exemplified in the policies and procedures of the Design Excellence Program and based on the Guiding Principles of Federal Architecture. That is why I introduced H.R. 7604, the Democracy in Design Act, to prohibit
Unfortunately, despite clear congressional intent on this subject, it appears that
1) Which person or persons at
2) Why didn't the prospectuses submitted to the congressional committees of jurisdiction for each project indicate that
3) Did
4) Beyond these two identified cases, do you have other examples where
5) How does
6) Does
7) Was the language included in the Ft.
8) Please describe any involvement in the decision to mandate a particular architectural style for these two projects by individuals in the judiciary and/or any private sector professionals in the disciplines of architecture, urban design, historic preservation, landscape architecture, interior design, art, conservation, engineering or construction and/or any peer review or other involvement by individuals appointed to the Commissioner's
To be clear, I do not object to the classical architectural style as a design option. I think that it is entirely appropriate for courthouses and other federal buildings to be built that way in communities that express that preference. However, imposing a preferred architectural style for federal facilities runs counter to our nation's democratic traditions. Attempting to implement this misguided mandate from
cc: Ranking Member
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