Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: Taking Away Medicaid for Not Meeting Work Requirements Harms Older Americans
More than 8.5 million Americans age 50-64 get health coverage through Medicaid. Many of them became eligible due to the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) expansion of Medicaid to more low-income adults, which helped drive a nearly 40 percent decline in uninsured rates for lower-income people age 50-64 between 2013 and 2016.
Now, the
The Administration is allowing states to impose work requirements on adult Medicaid enrollees other than those who are 65 or older, pregnant, or qualify for Medicaid because they receive disability benefits through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. In
Older Adults Face Obstacles to Meeting Work Requirements
Across age groups, about 60 percent of non-elderly adult Medicaid enrollees not receiving SSI work; of the rest, about half live in working families, and more than 80 percent report that they are in school or unable to work due to illness, disability, or caregiving responsibilities. But employment rates are lower at older ages. Whereas nearly two-thirds of enrollees under age 50 work, work rates begin to fall off for those over 50, and only a minority of 60- to 64-year-olds work. (See first chart.) In addition, some working enrollees (of all ages) work part time, meaning they may not meet monthly hours requirements under work requirement policies.
There are many reasons older enrollees are more likely to be out of work. Some, especially those in their 60s, are retired. About 68 percent of all current retirees retired before age 65, and nearly half of
People in their 50s and 60s are also much more likely than younger people to have serious, chronic health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, or back pain; these conditions are even more common among lower-income older people (see second chart). Such conditions generally do not qualify people for federal disability assistance, and people with these conditions may be able to work when their conditions are controlled through treatment (or are not at their most severe) or if they find a job that allows them to work part time or accommodates their physical limitations. But such conditions often still make it hard for people to maintain steady, full-time employment, putting them at risk of non-compliance with work requirements and therefore lost or interrupted coverage.
For example,
Exemptions Won't Keep Older People From Losing Coverage
Most of the approved and pending work requirement proposals apply to older enrollees, with no exceptions for early retirees. The Administration's work requirements guidance does instruct states that enrollees who are in compliance with or exempt from separate
State waivers generally propose limited exemptions for people who are "medically frail" and for those "diagnosed with an acute medical condition" that prevents compliance. But, as
First, the exemptions are narrow, and many people won't qualify as medically frail.
Second, even people who should qualify for exemptions may struggle to prove that they do. Obtaining physician testimony, medical records, or other required documents may be difficult, especially if beneficiaries don't have health coverage while seeking to prove they are exempt. Red tape and paperwork requirements have been shown to reduce enrollment in Medicaid across the board, and people coping with serious mental illness or physical impairments may face particular difficulties meeting these requirements. The experience of work requirements for other programs shows that people with disabilities are disproportionately likely to be sanctioned, even though many should be exempt.
Losing coverage worsens health for all groups, which is why physician groups like the
And by worsening access to health care, Medicaid work requirements may actually make it harder for older people who are trying to keep working to do so. A long-term randomized trial found that providing regular care to people with heart disease increased their earnings, likely by reducing their time out of work due to illness. Conversely, making health care contingent on work is likely to result in a vicious cycle where someone who loses their job because their heart disease or diabetes worsens also loses access to treatment, making it impossible for them to regain their health and employment.
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: Taking Away Medicaid for Not Meeting Work Requirements Harms Low-Wage Workers
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