Can new housing withstand future storms?
On reading that
Why approve more housing without thoroughly vetting it for durability and safety? Why spend millions of dollars recovering from disaster after the fact rather than prioritizing environmentally resilient projects?
Having demonstrated in many ways a commitment to market-rate and high-end residential development, I also wonder if
For example, if there is a shortage of construction workers, this is an ideal time to organize apprenticeships for people in areas with median lower incomes. Cultivating potential skilled labor with an eye to inclusion is one way of demonstrating that development can proceed with elements of principled concern for the larger community.
What is best for the physical environment and for people who want to protect open green spaces do not appear to be compelling for developers or
Floridians count on 'big government' aid
Republican leaders in
Thank goodness that "big government" will pay most of the expense of emergency aid to our state, helping to recover from the overwhelming devastation caused by Hurricane Ian.
You and I should not be punished for Gov.
We've known for some time that hotter oceans contribute to more powerful storms and that a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, creating more instability.
Conservative politicians refuse to accept the scientific evidence that climate change is real and is happening now. All of us suffer from their refusal to acknowledge the truth.
It's time that elected leaders make climate change a central focus and take action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Democratic candidates for office will do just that.
It's well past time to put them in charge of
Reaganism won't save
I read
Schlak, of
I have news for him. The only way to purge the
Just as
Survive by focusing on reality, not fantasy
Scientists, including myself, study and describe reality. To do so, we use our five special senses to look, listen, smell, taste, or touch what we are investigating.
In contrast, too many politicians think their opinions, beliefs, fictions, and even fantasies, are more important than reality.
For 3.5 billion years, life has survived by learning how to respond to reality (when to run, what to eat, etc.). While focusing on opinions, beliefs, fictions (lies) and fantasies, politicians neglect that kind of response and, therefore, neglect survival.
Don't be fooled by politicians who "protect your freedom" (often by helping you fight problems that really don't exist) while neglecting real existential threats like air and water pollution and global warming.
Learn which politicians deny or neglect reality, and don't vote for them. Survival depends on your doing so.
Vote for candidates who back gun control
In the aftermath of yet another tragic mass shooting, you may be asking yourself, what can I do to help protect my community from unnecessary gun violence?
One step you can take is to go to the website and register to vote and find candidates who support common-sense gun regulations.
Also, remember to vote in the upcoming midterm election.
Ian provides Florida the opportunity to get it right
Undocumented migrants pour into Fla. for Ian rebuilding
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