Four projects in the Village of Cambridge will get some financial help from Beautification Grants. At their June 27 meeting, village board members approved using $20,000 in TIF funds to award Beautification Grants for four different projects: -Sugar Tree Grove Properties - $900. -Chris Thompson to enhance an apartment building – $6,367. -Cambridge Masonic Lodge to add handicap accessible ramp at front entrance - $6,366. -Dave Reppart for enhancement of a downtown building - $6,367. In other business, the board approved using $30,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for improvements, sealing and chipping, on North Street. The board also: -Approved renewing the Casualty and Workman's Compensation Insurance with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA). -Approved $300 reimbursement to public works personnel for commercial driver's license training. -Approved allowing Keller's Pit to close Prospect St. from 7 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, July 30.
Accident and Illness Pet Insurance Market Is Booming Worldwide : Trupanion, MetLife, Lemonade
U.S. jobless claims rise, layoffs hit 16-month high in June
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