Books to enjoy by Tucson-area writers
“Border Women and the Community of
In the tradition of scholarship that foregrounds the voices and experience of women activists, this academic ethnography examines a Mexican autonomous community through interviews with ten of its women. The community,
UA Associate Professor in Mexican American Studies, Téllez writes about transnational community formations, Chicana feminism and gendered migration. She came to the study of autonomous communities through involvement with the Zapatista movement in 2002.
“COVID-29: To Seek a Newer World” By
One bonus to writing fiction is you get to recast the world to your taste.
After a lethal virus annihilates nearly the entire human race in one week in
As the survivors confront food, water and fuel deficits, and encounter raging militia types, Carroll reminds us just how irresponsible humans have been in their stewardship of Earth and its inhabitants.
(And there’ll be no spoiler here as to what Ross does with Biden, Harris and Trump.)
“How to Feed a Horse” By
As they tell it in a
Dewey’s fine collection, “How to Feed a Horse,” is notable for its clear, sharp, descriptions of animals, birds, and plants in an increasingly desiccating West; the relation between poet and landscape; the nature of words: “… She’ll dream more water into the drying springs,” reads “San Juan’s Day,” “and into the saguaros who / bloomed this year in a fever / As if no rain were coming down anytime soon / as if it were the very last bloom.”
Superb “Gone to Earth: Early and Uncollected Poems 1963-1975” presents
Her powerful “What Do Myths Have to do with the Price of Fish?”, defends — to a patronizing male poet — her use of mythology: “In some imagined Attic light so lambent / you can see the breeze move through / the groves of olive, some ancient / inmost part begins to stir, … / — for a moment, / long as centuries or like the time that only stones / remember —none of this had to happen: /” …[missiles, the split atom,
“Radioland” By M.e. Elzey (
“I swear, Harry,” says Holocaust survivor character
A free press, corrupt broadcasting, corporate greed, rabid Second Amendment defense, politics and contemporary white supremacists are all the stuff of this engaging, timely novel by Marana writer M.e. Elzey.
At issue are the influence of radio hosts’ venomous rhetoric and the fundamental fragility of American democracy. We follow social justice lawyer
Elzey’s warning to contemporary America is clear, but his message is more nuanced. Even seasoned cops can support gun control. Fame and wealth don’t insure happiness. Cal Brown’s opinions aren’t really his — they’re scripted for market share. And it can happen here.
"Bottomless Cups" By
A taste for Marvel comics brought fifth-graders Teddy and Ray together, back when men wore suits, women wore gloves and the armed conflict was in
"Enough to Make the Angels Weep" By
Someone is killing the descendants of the St. Patrick’s Battalion, a bizarre circumstance that
During the Mexican-American War, Irish immigrants fighting on the side of
"Mi-Granted Life: The Adventures of a Happy Immigrant" By
Delifir, an affable narrator, tells his story with humor: learning the ropes of a high-powered industry involved cultural challenges, like adapting to booze-fueled lunches (he didn’t care for alcohol) and collegial conversations about sports, his knowledge of which was nonexistent. But his story of assimilation into the American mainstream is heavy on business minutiae, which causes the narrative to periodically lose steam. He’s at his best when talking about his early struggles, his personal growth and his awakening to what he considers the darker side of the insurance business.
His goal, Delifer says, is to give an honest account of himself to new immigrants whom he hopes will encounter the good fortune he enjoyed.
"Science Be Dammed: How Ignoring Inconvenient Science Drained the
The overallocation of the
The implications continue to haunt us, say the authors of this deeply researched, highly readable volume. To prove their point,
Clear, concise writing makes this book easily accessible to a general audience, beginning with a glossary that demystifies scientific terms and hydrology jargon. Cultural, historic and political backgrounds demonstrate how easily science denial triumphed over facts.
The path forward will require a grand negotiation that takes into account the wide variability in the Colorado River’s hydrology and the effects of a warming planet; moving ahead without a Plan B for what to do if there isn’t enough water will have dire consequences. A compelling read.
Ill. House Democrats: State Rep. Barbara Hernandez Passes Legislation Providing Health Assistance to Expectant Parents, Prenatal Vitamins
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