Annual and Sustainability Report 2023
Annual and Sustainability
Letter from the Chairman |
Our Purpose, |
Statement |
Group |
Our Businesses |
Economic |
Economic and Financial |
Risk |
Financial |
of the Board |
Vision and Values |
of Responsibility |
at a Glance |
Description |
in 2023 |
Enviroment |
Performance |
Management |
Statements |
We are the leading financial services holding company in
We have a solid universal banking, insurance and pensions platform that serves all segments of the Peruvian population, complemented by a significant and growing presence in microfinance, investment banking and wealth management in
We have a purpose, a vision, goals and values oriented towards creating value for our stakeholders and the societies of the countries where we operate.
Note. Cover photo of
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Annual Report
- Letter from the Chairman of the Board
8 Our Purpose, Vision and Values
8 Statement of Responsibility
9Credicorp at a glance
11 Group Description
19 Our businesses in 2023
24 Economic Enviroment
- Economic and Financial Performance
- Risk Management
- Financial Statements
- External Auditing
- Annexes
Sustainability Report
71 Letter from the President of the Sustainability Committee
- Executive summary
- 2023 achievements
- Our sustainability strategy
78 Prioritized material topics and the SDGs
80 Key enablers for integrating sustainability
83 Social management
- Environmental management
- Corporate governance
- Annexes
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
GRI 2-22
Dear shareholders, clients, employees and members of the communities we serve,
It is my pleasure to present our Annual and Sustainability Report 2023, which provides details on the progress we have made in executing our corporate strategy. In this space, I will share some reflections about the environment we operate in and highlight
In a year of economic challenges, our agile and prudent management helped us navigate volatility and strengthen our competitive position
The year 2023 held positive surprises for the global economy even as new challenges arose, such as the regional banking crisis in
Despite advances this year, the dynamics on the economic front were challenging for our countries.
1990 (excluding the pandemic) with a 0.6% drop in GDP. According to the
It is important to mention the performance of the economies of
In this challenging context, at
Throughout 2023, we anticipated the credit cycle by reviewing our risk appetites; improving collections processes; and proactively offering financial assistance to clients in their time of need. Although the results of these actions were positive, it took us a while to calibrate adjustments correctly and we learned valuable lessons during this experience. We continued to develop our transactional and insurance value propositions as we reached more clients and registered increases in indicators for experience and frequency of use. Regardless, we recognize that we have not met all the objectives set for experience indicators in some banking segments. At this time, I would like to highlight that we are leveraging the scope of our reach in
of the El Niño Phenomenon.
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
We accelerate Digital
Transformation and Innovation at the
We anticipate challenges and opportunities as we advance our strategic priorities and generate resilient results
This year we advanced our three strategic priorities, which enable us to anticipate new challenges and opportunities and ensure our competitiveness in the long term. The priorities are integrating Sustainability in our strategy, accelerating Digital Transformation and Innovation, and securing the best Talent.
We integrate Sustainability in our strategy to become the agent of change we aspire to be.
We have consolidated our position as the main engine of financial inclusion in
4.1 million people in the financial system through Yape and Savings Accounts BCP. This year, Mibanco banked more than 63 thousand people and entrepreneurs through microloans, 55.9% of which were made to women. We also made progress in democratizing access to insurance through the inclusive insurance products developed by Pacifico. These accessible and simple products now accompany more than 2.3 million Peruvians. At the beginning of 2023, we began implementing our new environmental strategy, which we communicated to the market in our first TCFD report (
of this phenomenon in
Our Board and its committees underwent external assessment this year and the recommendations were used to develop a plan of action. An important conclusion of this analysis was that, in general, our practices relative to the structure, composition and functioning of the Board are aligned with the good governance recommendations of national bodies, institutional investors, and proxy advisors. Lastly, in addition to the impact generated by our Sustainability initiatives, I am happy to say that thanks to our operations in 2023, we distributed more than S/1,912 million through tax revenues and investments in communities.
We accelerate Digital Transformation and Innovation at the
We continued to make material investments in developing our technology, data analytics and cybersecurity capacities. The progress on our digital transformation journey has allowed us to expand our scale while maintaining stability as we develop and launch new solutions that offer enhanced agility. We leverage data analytics to manage risks, optimize efficiency, increase income, and improve client experience by generating value propositions that are seen as superior and more relevant. We reduced our risk ratios and cybernetic vulnerability by strengthening our technological tools and processes and educating employees and clients about risks. Additionally, we created a Corporate Head of Technology role to exploit opportunities that currently exist among our companies and to create synergies. Finally, we are exploring ways to take advantage of the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence offers and have prioritized improvements in productivity and client experience. Initially, we are implementing use cases such as optimizing services at the BCP contact center and introducing the GitHub Copilot to our development teams' work at BCP and Pacifico.
We secure the best Talent and provide on-going training to our employees to prepare them for growth.
We are convinced that to sustain success, we must reinvent ourselves and embrace our talent's continuous development. On this front, I would like to highlight the achievements of our Community of Learning, which acts as a space for our leaders to generate and share knowledge while creating synergies between the Group's companies. In 2023, we concluded the first season of learning, which was dedicated to Data & Analytics. More than 250 of
the organization's leaders participated of which, 88% significantly increased their knowledge of this topic. We have already begun the second season, which focuses on strengthening fundamental Cybersecurity capacities. Our commitment to developing our talent is also reflected in the dynamics of corporate succession. Along these lines, in 2023 more than 80% of the vacancies for leadership positions were filled through internal promotions. To promote the retention of leaders and align their incentives with our objective to generate sustainable value, we have modified the structure for variable compensation and have included a component linked to long-term performance metrics.
We are developing our businesses
Yape, with more than 10.5 million active users in
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
We ensure the best Talent, continually training our collaborators, preparing them for their growth.
day needs as we achieve monetization. We hope to reach break-even in coming months. This year alone, we launched 10 functionalities and the traction that our indicators for frequency of use have experienced have allowed us to advance our aspiration to become a superapp for Peruvians.
In the Krealo portfolio, our venture capital corporate center, Tenpo, our digital wallet in
In Universal Banking, we deepened our transactional capacities through digitalization.
At BCP, we consolidated our position as a transactional hub in
On the physical front, this year we transformed the design of more than 100 branches to make service more agile and incorporated spaces to promote financial education. On the digital front, new functionalities were added and improvements were made to the user interface, which led to a 4-point increase in Mobile Banking's NPS and 11 percentage points in the indicator for digital clients, which reached 68% at year-end. All these advances played a key role in optimizing our efficiency, and our efficiency ratio fell 2.3 percentage points this year. Finally, the credit cycle has taught us the importance of improving loan risk management in the consumer segment. We have adjusted our predictive models and monitoring practices and are better prepared to conduct more granular follow-up and make timely changes to guidelines, if necessary.
At BCP Bolivia, business developed in a complex environment that was impacted by a lack of US dollars and the failure of the country's third largest bank. Despite this, we emerged stronger with higher solvency levels and firmer control over delinquency. We progressed on the digital front and reported growth in the number of bank accounts opened every month and advanced our Yape Bolivia app, which topped the one-million user mark in 2023. This
has allowed us to increase transactionality as we work to generate more resilient income. In 2024, we will seek to optimize the financial margin through price management and low-cost deposit captures.
In Microfinance, we are strengthening risk management to resume growth and profitability while we build more diversified and resilient business models in the medium term.
Due to the macroeconomic conditions mentioned in this letter, 2023 was a tough year for the microfinance industry in
The Colombian microfinance system has been hit by inflation and elevated funding costs and has experienced a substantial reduction in the interest rate ceiling for microloans, which has generated challenges for the macroeconomy and led to structural changes that have impacted the outlook for growth for both the country and the banking sector. In this context, we are reviewing our
strategy to recover profitability at Mibanco Colombia and are adjusting our short-term plans for growth. Nonetheless, we continue to believe that this country represents significant potential for medium and long-term growth.
In the Insurance and Pensions line, we contribute to developing systems in which more Peruvians choose to participate.
Pacífico Seguros registered extraordinary results and has protected the happiness of more than 5 million Peruvians. By strengthening our digital capacities, we consolidated our position at the insurer with the #1 Client NPS in the market. We focused on growing in the retail segment, particularly through bancassurance and Yape. Moving forward, we will continue to penetrate the Peruvian market by accelerating efforts to create products that can be distributed through
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
To do this, we rationalized businesses that are intensive in terms of capital and volatility, such as trading, and have left the corporate finance business. We are meeting the objectives proposed at the beginning of the year and are on our way to recovering our ROE as we move towards sustainable levels.
We Generate Resilient Results
In a very challenging context for the economies of the countries in which we operate, net earnings after minority interests stood S/ 4,866 million, which translated into an ROE of 15.8%.
Our Universal Banking business line was the primary contributor this year. BCP reported a retuon equity of 20.6%, which was driven by an increase in the net margin in a context of higher rates. This growth was partially offset by an uptick in provisions, which was fueled by
a deterioration in client payment capacities. On the other hand, our Microfinance business line was severely affected by a high level of provisions, associated with the deterioration of clients' payment capacity. The Insurance and
Total loans dropped 2.5%, highly impacted by a significant contraction in government program loans (-62.2%). This Dynamic was partially offset by growth in structural loans at BCP (+1.2%), which was led by Individuals and SME-Business.
In terms of portfolio quality, the structural NPL ratio rose (5.6% vs 5.0% at the end of 2022). This evolution was mainly driven by growth in the NPL portfolio at both Mibanco and BCP, which registered an uptick in NPLs through Credit Card, Consumer and SME-Pyme. Growth in provisions was
driven by adverse macroeconomic, social and environmental conditions, which impacted client payment capacities; a shift in the loan mix toward an increase in the weight of retail loans; and by additional provisions for a severe El Niño in the summer of 2024. In this context, the cost of risk stood at 2.5% (versus 1.2% in 2022).
In an environment marked by high interest rates, the net interest margin stood at 6.01%, which represented growth of 92 basis points over the figure reported in 2022. This evolution was fueled by our repricing strategy and supported by our transactional deposit base. The shift toward a higher- yield asset structure also contributed to this result.
Other Income rose 11.6% in 2023, driven by the positive evolution of the Net Gain on Securities, which reported losses last year, and by an uptick in Fee Income (+4.4%).
The Insurance Underwriting Result reported extraordinary growth of 43.9% this year, driven primarily by the Life Insurance Business.
In the aforementioned scenario, operating income increased 13.2% in 2023. Operating expenses rose 9.8% over the period, spurred by an uptick in spending for disruptive businesses (and for Yape and Tenpo in particular) and by growth in IT expenses at BCP. These factors led the efficiency ratio to stand at 46.1% at year-end, 142 basis points below the level reported last year.
We continue to prioritize responsible capital management at all our subsidiaries. Our solvency levels remained adequate, and we distributed cash dividends equivalent to S/1,994.0 million.
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
We look toward the future with confidence
Our organization enters 2024 with a strengthened competitive position and favorable external outlooks. Inflation has moderated in
of companies and individuals as it sets the stage to attract private investment within a secure legal framework.
To drive growth and ensure democracy and stability, the private sector must work alongside the public sector to develop projects that translate into more opportunities and enhanced wellbeing for our communities. At
Our governments' leaders are not solely responsible for guaranteeing democracy and stability in our countries. As individuals and institutions, our acts of solidarity and
empathy are key to achieving these objectives. By promoting inclusion, transparency and responsibility, we contribute
to building the values we need to develop fairer and more equitable societies. I firmly believe that actors across society must genuinely collaborate to blaze the path toward a more sustainable and prosperous future.
Democracy and stability in our countries not only depends on the rulers, but also on every supportive and empathetic action that we take as individuals and as institutions.
Finally, I would like to thank our clients and investors for their confidence and recognize the efforts of the more than 37 thousand employees who work day-to-day to continue transforming our great corporation. Their talent and effort have made our organization stronger, maintained resilient results, and driven the development of the countries in which we operate.
With gratitude and optimism, I look forward to 2024.
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
GRI 2-23
Contribute to improving lives by driving the changes that our countries need.
To be a sustainable financial services leader in
Respect Honesty
Fairness Sustainability
of Responsibility
"This document contains truthful information regarding business developments at
César Ríos Briceño |
Chief Financial Officer |
Head of Accounting |
C.P.C. Nº 14902 |
Letter from the Chairman |
Our Purpose, |
Statement |
Group |
Our Businesses |
Economic |
of the Board |
Vision and Values |
of Responsibility |
at a Glance |
Description |
in 2023 |
Enviroment |
Economic and Financial |
Risk |
Financial |
Annexes |
Performance |
Management |
Statements |
GRI 2-1,2-6
Who we are?
We are
by an important and growing presence in microfinance, investment banking, and wealth management in
Main subsidiaries |
Clients2 |
Over 15 million |
Mibanco |
Over 2.0 million |
Pacífico |
Over 5.5 million |
Over 2.3 million |
Over 800 thousand |
Mibanco |
Over 600 thousand |
Regional3 |
Over 9 thousand |
Total Income1
Income remained resilient and grew 16.5% in 2023, amid an adverse macroeconomic context.
Loan Portfolio
A contraction of-2.5% compared to 2022.
Net Income (attributable to
S/4,866 Million
In 2023, we record a Net Income above the S/ 4,647 million generated in 2022 and above pre-pandemic levels. In 2023, we record a Net Income above the S/ 4,648 million generated in 2022 and above pre- pandemic levels.
- Includes Net Interest Income, Other Income and Insurance Technical Results.
- A natural or legal person could be a client of more than one subsidiary. A natural or legal person could be a client of more than one subsidiary.
- Includes
Peru ,Colombia ,Chile andMiami . - For more information about our employees, review chapter"2.2) Social Impact of Our Operations: Employees Management" from the Sustainability Report.
Letter from the Chairman of the Board
Our Purpose, Vision and Values
of Responsibility
Group Description
Our Businesses in 2023
Economic Enviroment
Economic and Financial Performance
Risk Management
Financial Statements
Relevant Figures
and Indicators
Ratios |
2020 |
2021 |
20222 |
20232 |
In local currency (%) |
24.8 |
13.5 |
4.3 |
5.0 |
Loan growth1 |
In foreign currency (%) |
-1.0 |
-7.3 |
4.7 |
5.7 |
Total (%) |
16.6 |
9.9 |
3.9 |
-2.4 |
Net interest margin (NIM, %) |
4.3 |
4.1 |
5.1 |
6.0 |
Margins and Profitability |
Cost of risk (%) |
4.3 |
0.8 |
1.2 |
2.5 |
Retuon average assets (ROAA, %) |
0.2 |
1.5 |
1.9 |
2.0 |
Retuon average equity (ROAE, %) |
1.4 |
13.9 |
16.7 |
15.8 |
Efficiency |
Efficiency ratio (%)4 |
46.3 |
45.9 |
44.4 |
46.1 |
Portfolio Quality |
Internal overdue ratio (%)5 |
3.4 |
3.8 |
4.0 |
4.2 |
NPL ratio (%)6 |
4.6 |
5.0 |
5.4 |
5.9 |
14.9 |
14.9 |
14.4 |
17.5 |
Capital8 |
BCP Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (%)8 |
10.4 |
9.9 |
10.0 |
13.2 |
Mibanco Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (%)8 |
11.4 |
11.9 |
12.6 |
18.4 |
Employees |
Permanent personnel |
36,806 |
36,396 |
36,968 |
37,076 |
- Average Daily Balances.
- Figures for 2022 and 2023 incorporate the adoption of IFRS 17 standard.
3.- Net Interest Margin formula is: (Net Interest Income- Net Financial Expense from Insurance Activity) / (Average of the Interest Earning Assets, where the balance of Interest Earning Assets is equivalent to Cash and Due from Banks+ Total Investments+ Cash collateral, reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowing + Total Loans)
4 Efficiency
- Internal overdue loans / total loans.
- Non-performingloans) = internal overdue loans + refinanced and restructured loans. NPL ratio = NPLs / total loans.
Regulatory Capital / Risk-weighted assets (legal minimum=10% since July 2011).- Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio = (Capital + Reserves- 100% of applicable deductions (investment in subsidiaries, goodwill, intangibles and deferred tax that rely on future profitability) + Retained Earnings + Unrealized gains or losses) / Risk-weighted assets. Based on NIIF.
- Net of treasury shares. The total number of issued shares is 94.38 million.
Shares |
Number of shares outstanding (millions)9 |
79.47 |
79.53 |
79.53 |
79.54 |
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