American Action Forum: Highlights From Congressional Budget Office’s Long-Term Budget Outlook 2019
An excerpt:
The current federal budget trajectory promises higher debt and, consequently, reduced public and private investment. This spending growth reflects growing federal transfer programs and borrowing needs financed by a lower standard of living for future generations. Absent reform, these trends are becoming increasingly intractable and will require more significant fiscal consolidations to address.
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Highlights from the Long-Term Budget Outlook 2019
This year's debt projection is incrementally smaller than last year's, driven in part by reduced projected discretionary spending for disaster funding. This reduction is essentially a mechanical difference, and given that disasters are necessarily unpredictable, it should hardly be considered an improvement in the deficit outlook. The key difference between this year's projection and last year's is the passage of time. Another year has passed, and policymakers have not signaled any appetite for addressing this challenge. But inaction is not costless - as figure 3 demonstrates, the longer policymakers wait to slow and reverse the nation's debt accumulation, the larger and more painful the tax increases or spending reductions (or combination of both) needed to accomplish this consolidation become. Already, the amount of fiscal consolidation needed simply to stabilize the nation's historically high debt level at 78 percent of GDP is staggering. Simply keeping the debt at 78 percent of GDP by 2049 would require lawmakers to enact 1.8 percent of GDP in annual deficit reduction, which would be
According to CBO's Long-Term Outlook, projected debt in the hands of the public will reach 144 percent of GDP by 2049. This figure is somewhat down from last year's projection, but that was in part animated by how CBO projects disaster spending, as noted above. Over the medium term, projected deficits are higher than were projected prior to the enactment of recent fiscal policies (e.g. the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018) but over the longer term, the debt outlook remains driven by demography (which hasn't changed since the last Long Term Budget Outlook), the nation's major entitlement programs (which are also unchanged), and growing interest on the nation's expanding debt portfolio.
Today's Long-Term Outlook reaffirms a trend in the nation's finances: Debt service costs are crowding out other federal expenditures, and in 2045 these costs will exceed all other discretionary programs - defense, education, infrastructure - combined.
CBO has also been calculating what is essentially the cost of delaying needed fiscal consolidation. To hold debt held by the public as a share of GDP to current levels (78 percent of GDP) in 2049 would require an annual reduction (relative to CBO projections) in the primary deficit (a revenue increase, spending decrease, or both excluding net interest) of 1.8 percent if begun next year, which amounts to
The current federal budget trajectory promises higher debt and, consequently, reduced public and private investment. This spending growth reflects growing federal transfer programs and borrowing needs financed by a lower standard of living for future generations. Absent reform, these trends are becoming increasingly intractable and will require more significant fiscal consolidations to address.
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