Alabama offers time to prepare for storms tax-free
Special to the Enquirer
* Flashlights and lanterns
* Battery-powered and hand-crank radio
* Batteries
* First-aid kits
* Cell phone chargers
* Two-way radios
* Manual can openers
* Tarps and plastic sheeting
* Duct tape
* Fire extinguishers
* Tie-down kits, bungee cords and rope
* Coolers and ice packs
* Plywood and window film
* Smoke/fire/carbon monoxide detectors
Portable generators and power cords costing
"Severe weather can occur at any time, in any season," said Alabama Retail President
Alabama Retail recommends having enough supplies in emergency kits to last 72 hours following a disaster. For information on what items to include in emergency kits, as well as steps to take before and after disasters, visit
Learn more at
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