After insurance commissioner steps down, Florida Democrats question timing
Lawmakers held a special session to address the crisis. Those sweeping reforms are now the law of the land.
As 8 On Your Side reported Thursday, the state's top insurance chief is stepping down in a matter of days.
In his resignation letter, Altmaier doesn't explain why he's leaving - or where he's heading.
Now, some
At the end of the special session Wednesday,
It's their second attempt this year to stabilize the imploding market.
Twenty-four hours later, on Thursday,
In a letter, Altmaier referenced the latest reforms saying they have "safeguarded
Instantly, Twitter reacted.
But some
Off Twitter, some industry insiders claim Altmaier may be stepping down before a new lobbying law takes effect.
8 On Your Side emailed and called Altmaier's office to get his side.
As of Friday evening, we haven't heard back. Altmaier's last day is
Notably, that's four days before the state extends a lobbying ban that would apply to him.
Under current law, former agency heads are banned from lobbying for two years.
The new law, which takes effect
Altmaier is not the only official to leave before this new lobbying law.
More than 200,000 Colorado kids could lose health coverage, experts warn
Gov. Ron DeSantis signs insurance overhaul aimed at stabilizing market
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