Medicare Program: Solicitation of Comments Regarding Development of a Recovery Audit Contractor Program for the Medicare Part C and D Programs
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Source: | Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc. |
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Request for information.
Citation: "75 FR 81278"
Document Number: "CMS-6041-NC"
SUMMARY: This notice presents an approach and requests comments on the provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148), as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152), (collectively known as The Affordable Care Act (ACA)) that requires the expansion of the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program to the Medicare Part C and D programs.
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I. Background
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) (Pub. L. 105-33) established the Medicare+Choice (M+C) program. Under section 1851(a)(1) of the Social Security Act (the Act), every individual with Medicare Parts A and B, except for individuals with end stage renal disease, could elect to receive benefits either through the original
The Medicare,
Sections 201 through 241 of Title II of the MMA made significant changes to the M+C program. As directed by Title II of the MMA, we renamed the M+C program the
The MMA, at section 1860D-12(b)(3) of the Act, directed that specific aspects of the MA contracting requirements apply to the prescription drug plan benefit program. Consequently, the processes for contract determinations and the administrative appeal rights in the two programs are virtually identical.
We published the regulations implementing the MA and prescription drug benefit regulations separately, as proposed and final rules, though their development and publication were closely coordinated. On
Section 306 of the MMA gave us authority to pilot a new contracting authority designed to detect improper payments. This MMA provision directed the Secretary to demonstrate the use of RACs in identifying
The initial demonstration project ran from 2005 to 2008 in
The demonstration results showed the effectiveness of a recovery auditing program in Medicare Part A and Part B. The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-432) gave the Secretary until
Section 6411(b) of ACA expands the use of RACs to all of
* Ensure that each MA plan and Part D plan has anti-fraud plans in place and to review the effectiveness of the anti-fraud plans;
* Examine claims for reinsurance payments to determine whether prescription drug plans submitting such claims incurred costs in excess of the allowable reinsurance costs permitted under the statute; and
* Review estimates submitted by prescription drug plans by private plans with respect to the enrollment of high cost beneficiaries (as defined by the Secretary) and to compare such estimates with the numbers of such beneficiaries actually enrolled by such plans.
II. Proposed Approach and Solicitation of Comments for Section 6411 of the Affordable Care Act
We want to utilize RAC overpayment and underpayment findings to reduce future improper payments in the Medicare Parts C and D programs. With that objective, we are interested in knowing how the RAC findings could be used to more accurately inform
Based on the comments received from this solicitation, we may do further rulemaking on the development and implementation of requirements for RACs in the Part C and Part D programs. We are most interested in receiving comments on the following:
* Methods for RACs to identify underpayments and overpayments in the Medicare Part C and Part D programs.
* Utilizing a phased-in approach for RACs in the Medicare Part C and Part D programs, similar to the development of RACs in the Medicare FFS program.
* The criteria or qualifications necessary to enable a RAC to knowledgeably and appropriately review the payments in Medicare Part C and Part D plans. (We note that in order to meet the qualifications, the Medicare FFS RACs must obtain the services of certified coders, nurses, or therapists, and a Contractor Medical Director.)
* Specific conflict of interest rules that should apply to RACs for the Medicare Parts C and D programs.
* Establishing an oversight entity for Medicare Part C and Part D RAC Issue Approval. We are considering establishing a review board for the Part C and Part D RACs. (We note that FFS RACs have the authority to pursue clear-cut vulnerabilities that can lead to improper payments. However, for more complex vulnerabilities, a review board is utilized. This board decides whether FFS RACs can proceed with the proposed review.)
* Methods for resolving underpayments and how payments related to underpayments identified by the RAC would be implemented in the Part C and Part D programs.
* Potential for allowing Part C and Part D plans to use RACs within their own plans to identify overpayments in its operations. Working through us, the RAC contractor would come to an agreement with interested MA organizations (MAO) to conduct claims review. The claims review would be conducted on claims submitted to the MAO for payment to providers serving the MAO enrollees. The RAC would be paid by the MA organization on a contingency fee basis and overpayments the MAO recoups as a result of the RAC activities would be retained by the MAO. In approaching this work, the RAC contractor would consider the use of complex and automated review of claims.
* Approaches to implementing the following special rules provisions of section 6411(b) of ACA:
++ We want to utilize RACs to ensure that each Part C and Part D plan has anti-fraud plans in place and to review the effectiveness of those anti-fraud plans. In accordance with section 1893(h) of the ACA, the RACs for the Part C and Part D programs would be paid on a contingency basis, as in the Medicare FFS program. We are interested in the industry's views on how to pay RACs on a contingency basis for reviewing anti-fraud plans in the Part C and Part D programs given there are no recoveries or overpayments resulting from a review of such plans. Should this contingency basis differ from how RACs are paid for reviewing Medicare FFS claims? If so, how?
++ The statute requires that we use RACs to examine claims for reinsurance payments to determine whether Part D plans submitting such claims incurred costs in excess of the allowable reinsurance costs permitted under the statute. Under the Part D statute, Part D plans legitimately incur costs in excess of allowable reinsurance costs during the catastrophic phase of the benefit. In the catastrophic phase of the defined standard benefit, 80 percent of the negotiated price is paid by Federal reinsurance, 15 percent is the responsibility of the sponsor (and is incorporated into their bid for the direct subsidy) and 5 percent is the responsibility of the beneficiary. Prospective reinsurance payments to plans are based on plans' estimates of reinsurance costs and, as required by statute, we reconcile these prospective reinsurance payments for sponsors with actual reinsurance costs. Given this annual reconciliation process, requiring RACs to review the accuracy of the prospective reinsurance payments is less likely to result in recovery of overpayments.
However, we are considering having RACs examine the accuracy and completeness of sponsors' reporting of Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR). The DIR information reported by plans includes rebates paid by pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as other remuneration received by the plan that has the effect of reducing their drug costs, and is used as a factor in our payment calculations to Part D plans. Under-reporting of DIR by plans would overstate plans' drug costs, including in the catastrophic phase of the benefit, and would result in an overpayment to the plan. We are interested in receiving comments on how RACs could be used to review the accuracy and completeness of DIR information provided to us by plans.
++ The statute also requires that we use RACs to review estimates submitted by Part D plans with respect to enrollment of high cost beneficiaries. A Part D sponsor's estimates for the enrollment of high cost beneficiaries may impact the reinsurance estimates in their Part D bids and thus, the prospective reinsurance subsidy payments they receive from us. However, given the structure of the Part D program that requires us to reconcile reinsurance subsidy payments against a Part D sponsor's actual costs, requiring RACs to undertake this activity is less likely to result in recovery of any reinsurance overpayments. However, as noted previously, we are interested in receiving comments on how RACs might be used to identify overpayments and underpayments associated with DIR reporting.
++ We are interested in learning about successful overpayment recoupment models in managed care that may already exist in the commercial sector and to what extent these models are applicable to Part C. Successfully integrating RACs into Part C presents a particular challenge because of how Part C payments are paid. Under the statutory payment formula, plans are paid on a capitated basis. Therefore, the plan, not the government, is at direct risk for any overpayments and underpayments made to its providers. We are interested in learning whether and how other purchasers have identified overpayments and underpayments made by capitated plans and to what extent savings were shared between the plan and the purchaser.
* Any additional information concerning the development of a RAC program in Medicare Part C and Part D and how we can establish the required program elements to protect the Medicare Parts C and D programs from fraud, waste, and abuse.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773, Medicare--
[FR Doc. 2010-32498 Filed 12-23-10;
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