2024 Dodd-Frank Act Annual Stress Test
2024 Dodd-Frank Act Annual Stress Test Results
Cautionary statement
This 2024 Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test Disclosure presents stress test results conducted by
The outputs of the analyses and the discussion contained herein may not align with those produced by the
Requirements for Annual Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test
- The stress testing regulation of the
Board of Governors of theFederal Reserve System ("Federal Reserve") requires Category III firms to publicly disclose the results of its company-run stress test every other year1, under theFederal Reserve's Supervisory Severely Adverse Stress Test scenario, within 15 days of the date theFederal Reserve discloses their DFAST results. - Covered companies must disclose capital and leverage ratios projected by the company under the
Federal Reserve's Supervisory Severely Adverse Stress Test scenario which describes the hypothetical evolution of certain macroeconomic and market variables consistent with a severely adverse recession. The principal assumptions in the 2024 Supervisory Severely Adverse Stress Test scenario are described on page 4. - On
12 June 2023 ,UBS acquiredCredit Suisse Group AG , succeeding by operation of Swiss law to all assets and liabilities ofCredit Suisse AG , and became the direct or indirect shareholder of all the former direct and indirect subsidiaries ofCredit Suisse AG . Consistent with regulatory guidance,UBS Americas Holdings LLC andCSH USA have prepared separate Capital Plans and FR Y-14A reports as part of the 2024 CCAR submission. As DFAST excludes the impact of the Credit Suisse acquisition, the impact is not reflected in the results presented on pages 5 - 9. - The planning horizon begins with
UBS Americas Holding LLC's ("AH LLC ") actual position as ofDecember 31 st, 2023 and includes a nine-quarter forecast beginning with the first quarter of 2024 and ending with the first quarter of 2026. Americas Holdings LLC is required to assume the following capital actions (the "Company-run Stress Test Capital Actions") to estimate its projected capital level and ratios over the nine-quarter forecast horizon2:- Under§252.54, a covered company is required to make the following assumptions regarding its capital actions over the planning horizon:
- The covered company will not pay any dividends on any instruments that qualify as common equity tier 1 capital;
- The covered company will make payments on instruments that qualify as additional tier 1 capital or tier 2 capital equal to the stated dividend, interest, or principal due on such instrument;
- The covered company will not make a redemption or repurchase of any capital instrument that is eligible for inclusion in the numerator of a regulatory capital ratio; and
- The covered company will not make any issuances of common stock or preferred stock
- The results of
Americas Holdings LLC's stress test, under theFederal Reserve's Severely Adverse Stress Test scenario assuming the Company-run Stress Test Capital Actions enumerated above, are presented on pages 5 - 9. - Lastly,
Americas Holdings LLC is not subject to the Global Market Shock ("GMS") component for CCAR 2024.
1 See Prudential Standards for Large Bank Holding Companies, Savings and Loan Holding Companies, and Foreign Banking Organizations, |
2019; 2 See 12 CFR 252.56(b). |
3 |
Description of the
The severely adverse scenario is characterized by a severe global recession accompanied by a period of heightened stress in commercial real estate markets and corporate debt markets.
Short-term interest rates, as measured by the 3-month
Conditions in corporate bond markets deteriorate markedly. The spread between yields on BBB-rated bonds and yields on 10-year
Asset prices drop sharply in the severely adverse scenario. Equity prices fall about 55 percent from the fourth quarter of 2023 through the fourth quarter of 2024, and do not retuto their initial level until the end of the scenario. The maximum quarterly value of the VIX reaches a peak value of 70 in the second quarter of 2024, then declines to about 32 at the end of the scenario. House prices and commercial real estate prices also experience large declines. House prices fall sharply through the third quarter of 2025, reaching a trough that is about 36 percent below their level in the fourth quarter of 2023. Commercial real estate prices experience a slightly larger decline, reaching a trough in the fourth quarter of 2025 that is about 40 percent below their level at the end of 2023. House prices and commercial real estate prices recover slowly and are well below their fourth quarter of 2023 values at the end of the scenario.
Risk Based Capital Ratio, RWA and Leverage Ratio Projections
Actual Q4 2023 and Projected through Q1 2026
Regulatory Ratio |
Actual Q4 2023 |
Projected Stressed Capital Ratios1 |
Regulatory Minimum |
Ending |
Minimum |
Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio |
19.3% |
11.4% |
11.4% |
4.5% |
Tier 1 Risk-Based Capital Ratio |
23.1% |
15.8% |
15.8% |
6.0% |
Total Risk-Based Capital Ratio |
23.4% |
16.1% |
16.1% |
8.0% |
Tier 1 Leverage Ratio |
9.2 % |
5.7% |
5.7% |
4.0% |
Supplementary Leverage Ratio |
8.1% |
5.1% |
5.1% |
3.0% |
Item |
Actual Q4 2023 (USD bn) |
Projected Q1 2026 (USD bn) |
Risk-Weighted Assets2 |
73.1 |
64.7 |
1 The capital ratios are calculated using capital action assumptions prescribed under the Dodd-Frank Act stress testing requirement. Minimum reflects the lowest value for |
5 |
each ratio over the nine-quarter forecast horizon for the period Q1 2024 through Q1 2026; 2 As reported in UBS Americas Holding LLC Form FR Y-9C as of December |
31, 2023. |
Projected PPNR, Losses & Net (Loss)/Income before Taxes - Q1 2024 through Q1 2026
Under the Company run Supervisory Severely Adverse Scenario
Item |
USD bn |
Percent of Average Assets |
Pre-Provision Net Revenue1 |
-3.9 |
-2.1% |
Less |
Provision for Loan and Lease Losses |
0.8 |
Realized Gains (Losses) on Securities (AFS/HTM) |
0.0 |
Trading and Counterparty Losses2 |
0.1 |
Other Losses3 |
0.3 |
Equals |
Net Income Before Taxes |
-5.1 |
-2.7% |
Memo Items |
Other Comprehensive Income |
0.0 |
Other Effects on Capital |
Actual 4Q 2023 |
1Q 2026 |
AOCI Included in Capital (in Billion Dollars) |
-1.3 |
-1.3 |
1 Pre-provision net revenue includes losses from operational-risk events; 2 Trading and counterparty losses include mark-to-market and CVA (Credit Valuation
Adjustment) losses and losses arising from the counterparty default scenario component applied to derivatives and securities lending and repurchase agreement activities. 63 Other losses/gains includes projected change in fair value assets, goodwill impairment losses and other non-credit losses.
Projected Loan Losses by Type of Loan - Q1 2024 through Q1 2026
Under the Company run Supervisory Severely Adverse Scenario
Loan Type |
USD bn |
Portfolio Loss Rates (Percent) 1 |
Total Projected Loan Losses |
0.7 |
0.9% |
First Lien Mortgages, Domestic |
0.3 |
1.3% |
Junior Lien Mortgages, Domestic |
0.0 |
0.0% |
Commercial and Industrial |
0.0 |
0.1% |
0.1 |
4.5% |
Credit Cards |
0.0 |
11.2% |
Other Consumer |
0.1 |
0.3% |
Other Loans |
0.2 |
3.2% |
1 Loan categories follow FR Y-14A reporting requirements. Average loan balance used to calculate portfolio loss rates excludes loans held for sale and loans held |
for investment under the fair value option and are calculated over nine quarters. |
7 |
Under the Company run Supervisory Severely Adverse Stress Test Scenario
19.3% |
1.3% |
-5.4% |
-0.4% |
11.4% |
-1.1% |
-0.2% |
-0.4% |
-1.8% |
CET1: Q4'23 1 |
PPNR (inc. |
Provision for Loan |
Trading and |
Other |
Net Change in |
CET1: Q1'26 |
operational |
and Lease Losses |
Counterparty |
Actions 2 |
DTA Disallowance |
losses) |
Losses |
1 As reported in UBS Americas Holding LLC Form FR Y-9C as of |
assumptions prescribed in the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Testing Capital Actions, which are outlined on page 3 of this presentation. |
8 |
Under the Company run Supervisory Severely Adverse Stress Test Scenario
9.2% |
-2.1% |
0.2% |
-0.4% |
-0.1% |
-0.1% |
-0.2% |
5.7% |
-0.7% |
Tier 1 Leverage: |
PPNR (inc. |
Provision for Loan |
Trading and |
Other |
Average Adjusted |
Net Change in |
Tier 1 Leverage: |
Q4'231 |
operational |
and Lease Losses |
Counterparty |
Assets |
Actions 2 |
DTA Disallowance |
Q1'26 |
losses) |
Losses |
Adjusted USD184bn
1 As reported in UBS Americas Holding LLC Form FR Y-9C as of |
assumptions prescribed in the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Testing Capital Actions, which are outlined on page 3 of this presentation. |
9 |
Material Risks Impacting Capital Adequacy Assessment Projections
The below material risks are those inherent in the Firm's business activities and its capital stress tests reflect these risks:
Business/ |
The potential negative impact on earnings from lower-than-expected business volumes and/or margins, to the extent they |
Strategic Risk |
are not offset by a decrease in expenses. |
Non-Financial Risk is the risk of undue monetary loss and/or non-monetary adverse consequences to |
Non-financial |
markets, resulting from: (i) Compliance risk: failure to comply with laws, rules and regulations, internal policies and |
Risk |
procedures, and the firm's code of conduct and ethics (ii) Financial crime risk: failure to prevent financial crime and (iii) |
Operational risk: inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems, or from external events. |
The risk of loss resulting from the failure of a client or counterparty to meet its contractual obligations toward |
Credit Risk |
Holdings LLC. This risk arises from a variety of business activities, including lending, trading and contingent liabilities, and |
incorporates country risk. |
The risk of loss resulting from adverse movements in market variables. Market variables include observable variables, such |
Market Risk |
as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices, credit spreads and commodity prices, and variables that may be |
unobservable or indirectly observable, such as volatilities and correlations. |
The risk of adverse consequences (e.g., financial loss, loss due to legal matters, operational loss, biased business decisions |
Model Risk |
or reputational damage), resulting from decisions based on incorrect / inadequate or misused model outputs and |
reports. Model risk may result from several sources: inputs, methodology, implementation, and use. |
The risk of a negative impact on our capital as a result of deteriorating funded status from decreases in the fair value of |
Pension Risk |
assets held in the defined benefit pension funds and/or changes in the value of defined benefit pension obligations, due |
to changes in actuarial assumptions and/or changes to plan designs. |
Treasury Risk |
The risk of increased cost or reduced access to funding sources. It includes liquidity risk, funding risk and interest rate risk |
in the banking book. |
Investment Risk |
The risk of loss arising from lower-than-anticipated performance of investments in funds or equity holdings. |
Patent Issued for Driving event data analysis (USPTO 12002308): Allstate Insurance Company
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