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2023 Kvantitative rapporteringsskemaer for Topdanmark Forsikring (offentliggjort den 15. maj 2024) (Excel) (1 MB)
Northern European Markets (Web Disclosure) via PUBT
2023 | ||
S. Balance sheet | ||
(DKK '000) | Solvency II value | |
C0010 | ||
Assets | ||
R0010 | ||
Deferred acquisition costs | R0020 | |
Intangible assets | R0030 | 0 |
Deferred tax assets | R0040 | 0 |
Pension benefit surplus | R0050 | 0 |
Property, plant & equipment held for own use | R0060 | 3,947 |
Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts) | R0070 | 16,250,827 |
Property (other than for own use) | R0080 | 0 |
Holdings in related undertakings, including participations | R0090 | 1,080,625 |
Equities | R0100 | 29,190 |
Equities - listed | R0110 | 0 |
Equities - unlisted | R0120 | 29,190 |
Bonds | R0130 | 13,676,564 |
Government Bonds | R0140 | 96,526 |
Corporate Bonds | R0150 | 13,580,038 |
Structured notes | R0160 | 0 |
Collateralised securities | R0170 | 0 |
Collective Investments Undertakings | R0180 | 1,042,290 |
Derivatives | R0190 | 127,263 |
Deposits other than cash equivalents | R0200 | 294,895 |
Other investments | R0210 | 0 |
Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked contracts | R0220 | 0 |
Loans and mortgages | R0230 | 0 |
Loans on policies | R0240 | 0 |
Loans and mortgages to individuals | R0250 | 0 |
Other loans and mortgages | R0260 | 0 |
Reinsurance recoverables from: | R0270 | 413,974 |
Non-life and health similar to non-life | R0280 | 413,974 |
Non-life excluding health | R0290 | 416,861 |
Health similar to non-life | R0300 | -2,887 |
Life and health similar to life, excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked | R0310 | 0 |
Health similar to life | R0320 | 0 |
Life excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked | R0330 | 0 |
Life index-linked and unit-linked | R0340 | 0 |
Deposits to cedants | R0350 | 0 |
Insurance and intermediaries receivables | R0360 | 308,335 |
Reinsurance receivables | R0370 | 146,401 |
Receivables (trade, not insurance) | R0380 | 0 |
Own shares (held directly) | R0390 | 0 |
Amounts due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in | R0400 | 0 |
Cash and cash equivalents | R0410 | 41,283 |
Any other assets, not elsewhere shown | R0420 | 2,019,116 |
Total assets | R0500 | 19,183,883 |
Liabilities | ||
Technical provisions - non-life | R0510 | 9,516,917 |
Technical provisions - non-life (excluding health) | R0520 | 4,826,526 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0530 | 0 |
Best Estimate | R0540 | 4,785,529 |
Risk margin | R0550 | 40,997 |
Technical provisions - health (similar to non-life) | R0560 | 4,690,391 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0570 | 0 |
Best Estimate | R0580 | 4,607,700 |
Risk margin | R0590 | 82,691 |
Technical provisions - life (excluding index-linked and unit-linked) | R0600 | 2,698,848 |
Technical provisions - health (similar to life) | R0610 | 2,698,848 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0620 | 0 |
Best Estimate | R0630 | 2,693,456 |
Risk margin | R0640 | 5,392 |
Technical provisions - life (excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked) | R0650 | 0 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0660 | 0 |
Best Estimate | R0670 | 0 |
Risk margin | R0680 | 0 |
Technical provisions - index-linked and unit-linked | R0690 | 0 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0700 | 0 |
Best Estimate | R0710 | 0 |
Risk margin | R0720 | 0 |
Other technical provisions | R0730 | |
Contingent liabilities | R0740 | 0 |
Provisions other than technical provisions | R0750 | 210,626 |
Pension benefit obligations | R0760 | 19,630 |
Deposits from reinsurers | R0770 | 0 |
Deferred tax liabilities | R0780 | 366,581 |
Derivatives | R0790 | 271,583 |
Debts owed to credit institutions | R0800 | 69,607 |
Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions | R0810 | 0 |
Insurance & intermediaries payables | R0820 | 8,338 |
Reinsurance payables | R0830 | 121,836 |
Payables (trade, not insurance) | R0840 | 0 |
Subordinated liabilities | R0850 | 1,100,000 |
Subordinated liabilities not in Basic Own Funds | R0860 | 0 |
Subordinated liabilities in Basic Own Funds | R0870 | 1,100,000 |
Any other liabilities, not elsewhere shown | R0880 | 731,767 |
Total liabilities | R0900 | 15,115,734 |
Excess of assets over liabilities | R1000 | 4,068,149 |
2023 | ||
S. Home country: Non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations | ||
(DKK '000) | Home country | |
C0010 | ||
Premiums written (gross) | ||
Gross Written Premium (direct) | R0020 | 9,955,865 |
Gross Written Premium (proportional reinsurance) | R0021 | 0 |
Gross Written Premium (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0022 | 0 |
Premiums earned (gross) | ||
Gross Earned Premium (direct) | R0030 | 10,298,195 |
Gross Earned Premium (proportional reinsurance) | R0031 | 0 |
Gross Earned Premium (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0032 | 0 |
Claims incurred (gross) | ||
Claims incurred (direct) | R0040 | 5,948,998 |
Claims incurred (proportional reinsurance) | R0041 | 0 |
Claims incurred (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0042 | 0 |
Expenses incurred (gross) | ||
Gross Expenses Incurred (direct) | R0050 | 2,709,575 |
Gross Expenses Incurred (proportional reinsurance) | R0051 | 0 |
Gross Expenses Incurred (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0052 | 0 |
S. Top 5 countries (by amount of gross premiums written): Non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations | ||
(DKK '000) | Top 5 countries: non-life | |
C0020 | ||
Premiums written (gross) | ||
Gross Written Premium (direct) | R0020 | 0 |
Gross Written Premium (proportional reinsurance) | R0021 | 0 |
Gross Written Premium (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0022 | 0 |
Premiums earned (gross) | ||
Gross Earned Premium (direct) | R0030 | 0 |
Gross Earned Premium (proportional reinsurance) | R0031 | 0 |
Gross Earned Premium (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0032 | 0 |
Claims incurred (gross) | ||
Claims incurred (direct) | R0040 | 0 |
Claims incurred (proportional reinsurance) | R0041 | 0 |
Claims incurred (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0042 | 0 |
Expenses incurred (gross) | ||
Gross Expenses Incurred (direct) | R0050 | 0 |
Gross Expenses Incurred (proportional reinsurance) | R0051 | 0 |
Gross Expenses Incurred (non-proportional reinsurance) | R0052 | 0 |
S. Home country: Life insurance and reinsurance obligations | ||
(DKK '000) | Home country | |
C0030 | ||
Gross Written Premium | R1020 | 0 |
Gross Earned Premium | R1030 | 0 |
Claims incurred | R1040 | 34,790 |
Expenses incurred | R1050 | 8,361 |
S. Top 5 countries (by amount of gross premiums written): Life insurance and reinsurance obligations | ||
(DKK '000) | Top 5 countries: life and health SLT | |
C0040 | ||
Gross Written Premium | R1020 | 0 |
Gross Earned Premium | R1030 | 0 |
Claims incurred | R1040 | 0 |
Expenses incurred | R1050 | 0 |
2023 | ||||||||||||||||||
S. Non-Life & Accepted non-proportional reinsurance | ||||||||||||||||||
Line of Business for: non-life insurance and reinsurance obliations (direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance) | Line of Business for: accepted non-proportional reinsurance | Total | ||||||||||||||||
(DKK '000) | Medical expense insurance | Income protection insurance | Workers' compensation insurance | Motor vehicle liability insurance | Other motor insurance | Marine, aviation and transport insurance | Fire and other damage to property insurance | General liability insurance | Credit and suretyship insurance | Legal expenses insurance | Assistance | Miscellaneous financial loss | Health | Casualty | Marine, aviation, transport | Property | ||
C0010 | C0020 | C0030 | C0040 | C0050 | C0060 | C0070 | C0080 | C0090 | C0100 | C0110 | C0120 | C0130 | C0140 | C0150 | C0160 | C0200 | ||
Premiums written | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross - Direct Business | R0110 | 0 | 1,142,522 | 879,943 | 445,300 | 1,880,166 | 69,027 | 4,587,037 | 629,384 | 0 | 0 | 205,411 | 117,074 | 9,955,865 | ||||
Gross - Proportional reinsurance accepted | R0120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Gross - Non-proportional reinsurance accepted | R0130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R0140 | 0 | 3,761 | 1,772 | 3,367 | 4,062 | 218 | 625,750 | 52,084 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 691,015 |
Net | R0200 | 0 | 1,138,761 | 878,171 | 441,933 | 1,876,104 | 68,809 | 3,961,287 | 577,300 | 0 | 0 | 205,411 | 117,074 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,264,850 |
Premiums earned | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross - Direct Business | R0210 | 0 | 1,184,081 | 906,322 | 464,078 | 1,988,788 | 70,520 | 4,693,367 | 658,026 | 0 | 0 | 214,695 | 118,317 | 10,298,195 | ||||
Gross - Proportional reinsurance accepted | R0220 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Gross - Non-proportional reinsurance accepted | R0230 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R0240 | 0 | 3,852 | 1,812 | 3,438 | 4,136 | 213 | 631,716 | 60,315 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 705,480 |
Net | R0300 | 0 | 1,180,229 | 904,510 | 460,641 | 1,984,652 | 70,307 | 4,061,651 | 597,711 | 0 | 0 | 214,695 | 118,317 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,592,715 |
Claims incurred | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross - Direct Business | R0310 | 0 | 565,952 | 698,046 | 494,398 | 946,260 | 23,423 | 2,684,330 | 353,891 | 0 | 0 | 109,647 | 73,051 | 5,948,998 | ||||
Gross - Proportional reinsurance accepted | R0320 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Gross - Non-proportional reinsurance accepted | R0330 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R0340 | 0 | -747 | 0 | 1,343 | 278 | 0 | 333,099 | 39,245 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 373,219 |
Net | R0400 | 0 | 566,698 | 698,046 | 493,055 | 945,982 | 23,423 | 2,351,231 | 314,646 | 0 | 0 | 109,647 | 73,051 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5,575,780 |
Expenses incurred | R0550 | 0 | 324,484 | 225,170 | 170,862 | 507,569 | 19,158 | 1,198,092 | 188,632 | 0 | 0 | 54,473 | 21,135 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,709,575 |
Balance - other technical expenses/income | R1200 | 77,656 | ||||||||||||||||
Total technical expenses | R1300 | 2,787,231 | ||||||||||||||||
S. Life | ||||||||||||||||||
Line of Business for: life insurance obligations | Life reinsurance obligations | Total | ||||||||||||||||
(DKK '000) | Health insurance | Insurance with profit participation | Index-linked and unit-linked insurance | Other life insurance | Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations | Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations | Health reinsurance | Life reinsurance | ||||||||||
C0210 | C0220 | C0230 | C0240 | C0250 | C0260 | C0270 | C0280 | C0300 | ||||||||||
Premiums written | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross | R1410 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R1420 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Net | R1500 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Premiums earned | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross | R1510 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R1520 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Net | R1600 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Claims incurred | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross | R1610 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34,790 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34,790 | ||||||||
Reinsurers' share | R1620 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
Net | R1700 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34,790 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34,790 | ||||||||
Expenses incurred | R1900 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,361 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,361 | ||||||||
Balance - other technical expenses/income | R2510 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||
Total technical expenses | R2600 | 8,361 | ||||||||||||||||
Total amount of surrenders | R2700 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2023 | |||||||||||||||
S. Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions | |||||||||||||||
Insurance with profit participation | Index-linked and unit-linked insurance | Other life insurance | Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligation other than health insurance obligations | Accepted reinsurance | Total (Life other than health insurance, incl. Unit-Linked) | Health insurance (direct business) | Annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations | Health reinsurance (reinsurance accepted) | Total (Health similar to life insurance) | ||||||
(DKK '000) | Contracts without options and guarantees | Contracts with options or guarantees | Contracts without options and guarantees | Contracts with options or guarantees | Contracts without options and guarantees | Contracts with options or guarantees | |||||||||
C0020 | C0030 | C0040 | C0050 | C0060 | C0070 | C0080 | C0090 | C0100 | C0150 | C0160 | C0170 | C0180 | C0190 | C0200 | C0210 |
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0010 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP as a whole | R0020 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Technical provisions calculated as a sum of BE and RM | |||||||||||||||
Best Estimate | |||||||||||||||
Gross Best Estimate | R0030 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,693,456 | 0 | 2,693,456 | |
Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default | R0080 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Best estimate minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re | R0090 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,693,456 | 0 | 2,693,456 | |
Risk Margin | R0100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5,392 | 0 | 5,392 | ||||
Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions | |||||||||||||||
Technical Provisions calculated as a whole | R0110 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Best estimate | R0120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Risk Margin | R0130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Technical provisions - total | R0200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,698,848 | 0 | 2,698,848 |
2023 | ||||||||||||||||||
S. Non-Life Technical Provisions | ||||||||||||||||||
Direct business and accepted proportional reinsurance | Accepted non-proportional reinsurance: | Total Non-Life obligation | ||||||||||||||||
(DKK '000) | Medical expense insurance | Income protection insurance | Workers' compensation insurance | Motor vehicle liability insurance | Other motor insurance | Marine, aviation and transport insurance | Fire and other damage to property insurance | General liability insurance | Credit and suretyship insurance | Legal expenses insurance | Assistance | Miscellaneous financial loss | Non-proportional health reinsurance | Non-proportional casualty reinsurance | Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance | Non-proportional property reinsurance | ||
C0020 | C0030 | C0040 | C0050 | C0060 | C0070 | C0080 | C0090 | C0100 | C0110 | C0120 | C0130 | C0140 | C0150 | C0160 | C0170 | C0180 | ||
Technical provisions calculated as a whole | R0010 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total Recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default associated to TP calculated as a whole | R0050 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Technical provisions calculated as a sum of BE and RM | ||||||||||||||||||
Best estimate | ||||||||||||||||||
Premium provisions | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross | R0060 | 0 | 65,962 | -55,009 | 178,193 | 176,064 | -15,960 | 64,200 | 140,670 | 0 | 0 | 20,396 | 132,800 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 707,316 |
Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finte Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default | R0140 | 0 | -1,447 | -1,645 | -2,147 | -481 | -157 | -61,606 | 25,513 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -41,969 |
Net Best Estimate of Premium Provisions | R0150 | 0 | 67,409 | -53,365 | 180,340 | 176,545 | -15,803 | 125,806 | 115,157 | 0 | 0 | 20,396 | 132,800 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 749,285 |
Claims provisions | ||||||||||||||||||
Gross | R0160 | 0 | 1,246,002 | 3,350,746 | 963,877 | 192,328 | 6,620 | 1,930,142 | 930,775 | 0 | 0 | 27,659 | 37,765 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,685,913 |
Total recoverable from reinsurance/SPV and Finte Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default | R0240 | 0 | 205 | 0 | 1,391 | 258 | 0 | 329,930 | 124,160 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 455,943 |
Net Best Estimate of Claims Provisions | R0250 | 0 | 1,245,797 | 3,350,746 | 962,487 | 192,069 | 6,620 | 1,600,213 | 806,616 | 0 | 0 | 27,659 | 37,765 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,229,970 |
Total Best estimate - gross | R0260 | 0 | 1,311,964 | 3,295,736 | 1,142,070 | 368,392 | -9,341 | 1,994,342 | 1,071,446 | 0 | 0 | 48,055 | 170,565 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,393,229 |
Total Best estimate - net | R0270 | 0 | 1,313,206 | 3,297,381 | 1,142,826 | 368,614 | -9,183 | 1,726,018 | 921,773 | 0 | 0 | 48,055 | 170,565 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,979,255 |
Risk margin | R0280 | 0 | 12,561 | 70,130 | 14,086 | 750 | 22 | 12,368 | 13,501 | 0 | 0 | 83 | 187 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 123,688 |
Amount of the transitional on Technical Provisions | ||||||||||||||||||
Technical Provisions calculated as whole | R0290 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Best estimate | R0300 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Risk margin | R0310 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Technical provisions - total | ||||||||||||||||||
Technical provisions - total | R0320 | 0 | 1,324,525 | 3,365,866 | 1,156,156 | 369,142 | -9,319 | 2,006,710 | 1,084,947 | 0 | 0 | 48,138 | 170,752 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,516,917 |
Recoverable from reinsurance contract/SPV and Finte Re after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default - total | R0330 | 0 | -1,242 | -1,645 | -756 | -222 | -157 | 268,324 | 149,673 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 413,974 |
Technical provisions minus recoverables from reinsurance/SPV and Finite Re- total | R0340 | 0 | 1,325,767 | 3,367,511 | 1,156,912 | 369,364 | -9,161 | 1,738,386 | 935,274 | 0 | 0 | 48,138 | 170,752 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,102,943 |
2023 | ||||||||||||||
S. | ||||||||||||||
Gross Claims Paid (non-cumulative) - absolute amount | ||||||||||||||
Development year | ||||||||||||||
(DKK '000) | Accident year/ Underwriting year | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 & + | In Current year | Sum of years (cumulative) |
Z0020 | C0010 | C0020 | C0030 | C0040 | C0050 | C0060 | C0070 | C0080 | C0090 | C0100 | C0110 | C0170 | C0180 | |
Prior | R0100 | Accident year [AY] | 39,559 | 39,559 | 30,224,545 | |||||||||
N-9 | R0160 | Accident year [AY] | 3,258,239 | 1,414,677 | 425,348 | 245,453 | 143,247 | 78,801 | 75,240 | -14,525 | 15,168 | 13,362 | 13,362 | 5,655,010 |
N-8 | R0170 | Accident year [AY] | 3,140,363 | 1,475,134 | 396,678 | 332,693 | 223,966 | 51,117 | 33,321 | 21,188 | 12,023 | 12,023 | 5,686,483 | |
N-7 | R0180 | Accident year [AY] | 3,201,482 | 1,261,446 | 402,019 | 298,972 | 149,023 | 65,645 | 51,372 | 49,109 | 49,109 | 5,479,068 | ||
N-6 | R0190 | Accident year [AY] | 2,940,407 | 1,212,232 | 650,231 | 271,037 | 153,423 | 57,543 | 59,425 | 59,425 | 5,344,298 | |||
N-5 | R0200 | Accident year [AY] | 3,111,481 | 1,468,055 | 641,475 | 367,460 | 138,908 | 64,073 | 64,073 | 5,791,451 | ||||
N-4 | R0210 | Accident year [AY] | 3,221,328 | 1,434,430 | 527,635 | 206,125 | 192,531 | 192,531 | 5,582,050 | |||||
N-3 | R0220 | Accident year [AY] | 3,170,942 | 1,262,429 | 468,533 | 281,882 | 281,882 | 5,183,786 | ||||||
N-2 | R0230 | Accident year [AY] | 3,089,556 | 1,438,294 | 599,794 | 599,794 | 5,127,644 | |||||||
N-1 | R0240 | Accident year [AY] | 3,373,274 | 1,435,140 | 1,435,140 | 4,808,414 | ||||||||
N | R0250 | Accident year [AY] | 3,587,724 | 3,587,724 | 3,587,724 | |||||||||
Total | R0260 | Accident year [AY] | 6,334,624 | 82,470,474 | ||||||||||
S. | ||||||||||||||
Gross undiscounted Best Estimate Claims Provisions - absolute amount | ||||||||||||||
Development year | ||||||||||||||
(DKK '000) | Accident year/ Underwriting year | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 & + | Year end (discounted data) | |
Z0020 | C0200 | C0210 | C0220 | C0230 | C0240 | C0250 | C0260 | C0270 | C0280 | C0290 | C0300 | C0360 | ||
Prior | R0100 | Accident year [AY] | 545,147 | 582,124 | ||||||||||
N-9 | R0160 | Accident year [AY] | 2,925,903 | 1,586,485 | 1,177,625 | 849,481 | 554,369 | 328,622 | 165,268 | 172,121 | 172,970 | 144,546 | 158,829 | |
N-8 | R0170 | Accident year [AY] | 3,026,236 | 1,622,224 | 1,108,469 | 705,527 | 428,001 | 239,974 | 168,462 | 152,349 | 144,775 | 158,697 | ||
N-7 | R0180 | Accident year [AY] | 2,793,405 | 1,525,063 | 993,261 | 596,503 | 314,108 | 270,604 | 201,087 | 137,046 | 154,531 | |||
N-6 | R0190 | Accident year [AY] | 2,503,026 | 1,398,874 | 655,981 | 437,583 | 235,602 | 158,582 | 144,103 | 175,332 | ||||
N-5 | R0200 | Accident year [AY] | 2,773,247 | 1,392,096 | 786,741 | 437,714 | 268,939 | 233,848 | 276,735 | |||||
N-4 | R0210 | Accident year [AY] | 2,684,390 | 1,397,638 | 902,116 | 693,756 | 458,500 | 439,638 | ||||||
N-3 | R0220 | Accident year [AY] | 2,952,660 | 1,563,186 | 1,021,952 | 741,706 | 671,667 | |||||||
N-2 | R0230 | Accident year [AY] | 3,228,519 | 1,773,044 | 1,203,479 | 1,077,451 | ||||||||
N-1 | R0240 | Accident year [AY] | 3,258,642 | 1,747,697 | 1,602,201 | |||||||||
N | R0250 | Accident year [AY] | 3,589,006 | 3,388,709 | ||||||||||
Total | R0260 | Accident year [AY] | 8,685,913 |
2023 | ||||||
S. Own funds | ||||||
(DKK '000) | Total | Tier 1 - unrestricted | Tier 1 - restricted | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | |
C0010 | C0020 | C0030 | C0040 | C0050 | ||
Basic own funds before deduction for participations in other financial sector as foreseen in article 68 of Delegated Regulation 2015/35 | ||||||
Ordinary share capital (gross of own shares) | R0010 | 101200000 | 101200000 | 0 | ||
Share premium account related to ordinary share capital | R0030 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own - fund item for mutual and mutual-type undertakings | R0040 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Subordinated mutual member accounts | R0050 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Surplus funds | R0070 | 0 | 0 | |||
Preference shares | R0090 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Share premium account related to preference shares | R0110 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Reconciliation reserve | R0130 | 2966949157 | 2966949157 | |||
Subordinated liabilities | R0140 | 1100000000 | 400000000 | 700000000 | 0 | |
An amount equal to the value of net deferred tax assets | R0160 | 0 | ||||
Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above | R0180 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Own funds from the financial statements that should not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds | ||||||
Own funds from the financial statements that should not be represented by the reconciliation reserve and do not meet the criteria to be classified as Solvency II own funds | R0220 | 0 | ||||
Deductions | ||||||
Deductions for participations in financial and credit institutions | R0230 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total basic own funds after deductions | R0290 | 4168149157 | 3068149157 | 400000000 | 700000000 | 0 |
Ancillary own funds | ||||||
Unpaid and uncalled ordinary share capital callable on demand | R0300 | 0 | 0 | |||
Unpaid and uncalled initial funds, members' contributions or the equivalent basic own fund item for mutual and mutual - type undertakings, callable on demand | R0310 | 0 | 0 | |||
Unpaid and uncalled preference shares callable on demand | R0320 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
A legally binding commitment to subscribe and pay for subordinated liabilities on demand | R0330 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Letters of credit and guarantees under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC | R0340 | 0 | 0 | |||
Letters of credit and guarantees other than under Article 96(2) of the Directive 2009/138/EC | R0350 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Supplementary members calls under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC | R0360 | 0 | 0 | |||
Supplementary members calls - other than under first subparagraph of Article 96(3) of the Directive 2009/138/EC | R0370 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Other ancillary own funds | R0390 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Total ancillary own funds | R0400 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Available and eligible own funds | ||||||
Total available own funds to meet the SCR | R0500 | 4168149157 | 3068149157 | 400000000 | 700000000 | 0 |
Total available own funds to meet the MCR | R0510 | 4168149157 | 3068149157 | 400000000 | 700000000 | |
Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR | R0540 | 4166781300 | 3068149157 | 400000000 | 698632143.3 | 0 |
Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR | R0550 | 3593902943 | 3068149157 | 400000000 | 125753785.8 | |
SCR | R0580 | 1397264287 | ||||
MCR | R0600 | 628768929 | ||||
Ratio of Eligible own funds to SCR | R0620 | 2.9821 | ||||
Ratio of Eligible own funds to MCR | R0640 | 5.7158 | ||||
S. Reconciliation reserve | ||||||
(DKK '000) | C0060 | |||||
C0060 | ||||||
Reconciliation reserve | ||||||
Excess of assets over liabilities | R0700 | 4068149157 | ||||
Own shares (held directly and indirectly) | R0710 | 0 | ||||
Foreseeable dividends, distributions and charges | R0720 | 1000000000 | ||||
Other basic own fund items | R0730 | 101200000 | ||||
Adjustment for restricted own fund items in respect of matching adjustment portfolios and ring fenced funds | R0740 | 0 | ||||
Reconciliation reserve | R0760 | 2966949157 | ||||
Expected profits | ||||||
Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP) - Life business | R0770 | 0 | ||||
Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP) - Non-life business | R0780 | 838517124 | ||||
Total Expected profits included in future premiums (EPIFP) | R0790 | 838517124 |
2023 | |||||
S. Component-specific information | |||||
(DKK '000) | |||||
Calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement | Allocation from adjustments due to RFF and Matching adjustments portfolios | Consideration of the future management actions regarding technical provisions and/or deferred taxes | Amount modelled | ||
C0010 | C0050 | C0060 | C0070 | ||
Risk type | AR0019 | ||||
Total diversification | R0020 | -668,706 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total diversified risk before tax | R0030 | 1,760,557 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total diversified risk after tax | R0040 | 1,397,264 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total market & credit risk | R0070 | -1,067,992 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Market & Credit risk - diversified | R0080 | 907,357 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Credit event risk not covered in market & credit risk | R0190 | 146,740 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Credit event risk not covered in market & credit risk - diversified | R0200 | 138,781 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total Business risk | R0270 | 0 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total Business risk - diversified | R0280 | 0 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total |
R0310 | 1,119,399 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 33,849 |
Total |
R0320 | 987,944 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | -413,943 |
Total Life & Health underwriting risk | R0400 | 88,566 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total Life & Health underwriting risk - diversified | R0410 | 88,566 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total Operational risk | R0480 | 306,616 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Total Operational risk - diversified | R0490 | 306,616 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
Other risk | R0500 | 0 | 0 | No embedded consideration of future management actions | 0 |
2023 | ||
S. Calculation of Solvency Capital Requirement | ||
(DKK '000) | Value | |
C0100 | ||
Total undiversified components | R0110 | 2,429,263 |
Diversification | R0060 | -668,706 |
Adjustment due to RFF/MAP nSCR aggregation | R0120 | 0 |
Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC | R0160 | 0 |
Solvency capital requirement excluding capital add-on | R0200 | 1,397,264 |
Capital add-ons already set | R0210 | 0 |
of which, capital add-ons already set - Article 37 (1) Type a | R0211 | 0 |
of which, capital add-ons already set - Article 37 (1) Type b | R0212 | 0 |
of which, capital add-ons already set - Article 37 (1) Type c | R0213 | 0 |
of which, capital add-ons already set - Article 37 (1) Type d | R0214 | 0 |
Solvency capital requirement | R0220 | 1,397,264 |
Other information on SCR | ||
Amount/estimate of the overall loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions | R0300 | 0 |
Amount/estimate of the overall loss-absorbing capacity ot deferred taxes | R0310 | -363,293 |
Capital requirement for duration-based equity risk sub-module | R0400 | 0 |
Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part | R0410 | 0 |
Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirement for ring fenced funds | R0420 | 0 |
Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirement for matching adjustment portfolios | R0430 | 0 |
Diversification effects due to RFF nSCR aggregation for article 304 | R0440 | 0 |
Method used to calculate the adjustment due to RFF/MAP nSCR aggregation | R0450 | No adjustment |
Net future discretionary benefits | R0460 | 0 |
S. Approach to tax rate | ||
(DKK '000) | Yes/No | |
C0109 | ||
Approach based on average tax rate | R0590 | Approach based on average tax rate |
S. Calculation of loss absorbing capacity of deferred taxes | ||
(DKK '000) | LAC DT | |
C0130 | ||
LAC DT | R0640 | -363,293 |
LAC DT justified by reversion of deferred tax liabilities | R0650 | 0 |
LAC DT justified by reference to probable future taxable economic profit | R0660 | -363,293 |
LAC DT justified by carry back, current year | R0670 | 0 |
LAC DT justified by carry back, future years | R0680 | 0 |
Maximum LAC DT | R0690 | -941,202 |
2023 | |||
S. Linear formula component for non-life insurance and reinsurance obligations | |||
(DKK '000) | MCR components | ||
C0010 | |||
MCRNL Result | R0010 | 1706493719 | |
S. Background information | |||
(DKK '000) | |||
Background information | |||
Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole | Net (of reinsurance) written premiums in the last 12 months | ||
C0020 | C0030 | ||
Medical expenses and proportional reinsurance | R0020 | 0 | 0 |
Income protection insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0030 | 1313205862 | 1138760794 |
Workers' compensation insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0040 | 3297380719 | 878170691.7 |
Motor vehicle liability insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0050 | 1142826194 | 441933407.7 |
Other motor insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0060 | 368614175.4 | 1876104079 |
Marine, aviation and transport insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0070 | 0 | 68808811.28 |
Fire and other damage to property insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0080 | 1726018121 | 3961286651 |
General liability insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0090 | 921772815.5 | 577299636.7 |
Credit and suretyship insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0100 | 0 | 0 |
Legal expenses insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0110 | 0 | 0 |
Assistance and its proportional reinsurance | R0120 | 48055124.69 | 205411135 |
Miscellaneous financial loss insurance and proportional reinsurance | R0130 | 170565232.6 | 117074490.9 |
Non-proportional health reinsurance | R0140 | 0 | 0 |
Non-proportional casualty reinsurance | R0150 | 0 | 0 |
Non-proportional marine, aviation and transport reinsurance | R0160 | 0 | 0 |
Non-proportional property reinsurance | R0170 | 0 | 0 |
S. Linear formula component for life insurance and reinsurance obligations | |||
(DKK '000) | Result | ||
C0040 | |||
MCRL Result | R0200 | 56562577.43 | |
S. Total capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations | |||
(DKK '000) | |||
Net (of reinsurance/SPV) best estimate and TP calculated as a whole | Net (of reinsurance/SPV) total capital at risk | ||
C0050 | C0060 | ||
Obligations with profit participation - guaranteed benefits | R0210 | 0 | |
Obligations with profit participation - future discretionary benefits | R0220 | 0 | |
Index-linked and unit-linked insurance obligations | R0230 | 0 | |
Other life (re)insurance and health obligations | R0240 | 2693456068 | |
Capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations | R0250 | 0 | |
S. Overall MCR calculation | |||
(DKK '000) | Value | ||
C0070 | |||
Linear MCR | R0300 | 1763056297 | |
SCR | R0310 | 1397264287 | |
MCR cap | R0320 | 628768928.9 | |
MCR floor | R0330 | 349316071.6 | |
Combined MCR | R0340 | 628768928.9 | |
Absolute floor of the MCR | R0350 | 18632250 | |
Minimum Capital Requirement | R0400 | 628768928.9 |
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