2020 Hurricane Guide: What to buy for your disaster kit
--First-aid kit and manual
--Hand wipes or hand sanitizer
--Antiseptic wipes
--Cold pack
--Cotton balls
Equipment, tools & food
--Jumper cables for car
--Flashlight and extra batteries
--Signal flare
--Matches in a waterproof container (or waterproof matches)
--Shut-off wrench, pliers, shovel and other tools
--Duct tape and scissors
--Plastic sheeting
--Work gloves
--Paper, pen and pencils
--Needles and thread
--Battery-operated alarm clock
--Small canister, ABS-type fire extinguisher
--Water purification tablets in plastic bag
--Paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
--All-purpose knife
--Manual can opener
--Small cooking stove
--Cans of cooking fuel
--Aluminum foil, plastic wrap
--Resealable plastic bags
--Sugar or artificial sweetener, salt and pepper
--Miscellaneous items: cards, games, books and toys for kids
--Food and water for 3 to 5 days
--Water (1 gallon per person per day)
--Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables and soups
--Canned or boxed juice or milk
--Powdered milk
--High-energy foods
Non-prescription & prescription medicine
--Antibacterial ointment
--Aspirin and non-aspirin pain reliever
--Anti-diarrhea medication
--Prescription drugs (two-week supply) and copy of prescriptions
--Dentures, cleaning solutions
--Extra eyeglasses/contact lenses and cleaning solution
--Hearing aid, extra batteries
--Medical support equipment
Clothing & bedding
--Several complete changes of clothes
--Extra pair of sturdy shoes or boots
--Rain gear
--Extra socks
--Blankets/sleeping bags & pillows
--Folding cot or lawn chair
Sanitation/ hygiene supplies
--Towelettes, body wipes, soap, hand sanitizer
--Washcloths and towels
--Toothbrush and toothpaste
--Razors, shaving cream
--Lip balm, insect repellent
--Heavy-duty plastic garbage bags
--Medium-size bucket with lid
--Disinfectant, chlorine bleach
--Feminine supplies
--Toilet paper
--Diapers, disposable and incontinence supplies
Documents & keys
--Personal identification
--Cash and coins
--Credit cards
--Extra set of house, car keys
Photocopies of the following stored in waterproof, plastic bags
--Birth certificate
--Marriage certificate
--Driver's license
--Wills, including living wills and advance directives
--Insurance papers (property, health and life)
--Immunization records and copies of prescriptions
--Written instructions regarding your medical care
--A list of models and serial numbers for medical equipment (pacemakers, feeding pumps, home IV units, Braille or lower vision equipment, etc.)
--Bank and credit card account information
--Stocks and bonds
--Phone numbers and addresses for family, friends
Pet supplies
--Extra food (stored in sturdy containers)
--Cleaning supplies
--Pet carrier (labeled)
--Medication, pet first-aid supplies
--Pet medical records/ vaccine records and veterinarian contact information
--Leashes, collars, harnesses and muzzles
--Pet dishes, litter pan, litter and plastic bags
--Toys and blankets
--Proof of ownership
(c)2020 Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Fla.
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