Political notebook: ACLU to challenge drug testing for welfare recipients in Tenn.
By Tom Humphrey, The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn. | |
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services |
Under the law, applicants for the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program can face drug screening tests based on their response to questions during the application process. If the test is positive for drugs, the person can be cut off from benefits if a follow-up test six months later also is positive.
Courts have struck down laws in other states -- notably
But the
"This law singles out limited-income people and requires them to submit to humiliating and intrusive searches of their bodily fluids because they need temporary help making ends meet," said
Word play: U.S. Sen.
The ad, which began running Sunday, depicts a brief 2010 exchange between
Actually, differing measures are available and in
The caption's claim that individual premiums are up more than 50 percent between 2010 and 2013 is, according to campaign spokesmen, a comparison of the national average monthly premium for an individual health insurance in 2010 to Health & Human Services data released in
From the newspaper's report:
"But the 2013 HHS report cited by the campaign provides average monthly premiums, nationally and state-by-state, for three different categories of individual insurance plans that consumers could buy on the new exchanges and the Alexander campaign used the most expensive of the three to come up with its "50 percent plus" figure. Only one of the three increased by more than 50 percent during that three-year span -- one of the two "silver plans" the HHS report cited.
"Using the national average 2010 individual health insurance premium of
"The ad did not mention that Tennesseans could have bought the bronze plan for 11 percent less in late 2013,
Ball spokesman:
Sharp, also previously known for her blogging, said that the CPI board of directors granted a leave of absence for the duration of the Ball campaign at her request. CPI is not endorsing anyone in the campaigns, she said. The organization's daily roundup of
CPI bills itself as "a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, dedicated to improving the lives of Tennesseans by promoting practical, workable and fair solutions to the challenges facing
(c)2014 the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.)
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