World Bank: Mato Grosso to Enhance Fiscal Sustainability While Also Protecting the Environment
"The situation of the state led us to declare a state of financial calamity and to propose the 'Pact for
The state has global relevance for agricultural production, forest protection and mitigation of climate change. Over 50 percent of state GDP is directly related to agriculture and it has become a global powerhouse for soy and beef production, with 32 million tons of soy beans and 5.4 million head of cattle produced in 2018. However, this agricultural expansion has historically taken place through clearing of forests, including in the Amazon biome. While average deforestation post-2010 has been 75 percent below its 2001-10 average, deforestation continues to be considerable and since 2015 the pace has increased.
A state Fiscal Responsibility Law is supported by this operation, enabling the state to regain and maintain sustainability of its finances. The operation will ensure that key expenditure drivers, such as wage growth, can be controlled going forward. Policies supported by the operation also strengthen
"The two pillars supported by this loan are mutually reinforcing. Fiscal and environmental sustainability are both essential for addressing the long-term development prospects of
Among the outcomes supported by the program are:
Increase in current savings to 5 percent of revenues
Reduction in the share of net current revenues spent on wages and pensions to 60 percent
Containment of the state pensions deficit and increases in state revenues.
29 percent reduction of deforestation in the state's part of the Amazon biome (relative to 2018 estimates)
Seven-fold increase in the area covered by validated rural land cadasters
Increase in resources mobilized for the state's flagship green growth strategy
This loan from the
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