Will closed hospitals be Gunn's legacy, too?
He was credited with being a catalyst for
But there is another legacy of which neither Gunn nor his admirers should be so proud.
He has been a principal obstacle to Medicaid expansion, which has cost this state about
Gunn has dug in his heels against Medicaid expansion only slightly less stubbornly than
And why so?
Because they made the political calculation that opposing anything associated with former President
Since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, was passed in 2010, there have been at least eight government or private studies done on what the impact of Medicaid expansion would be on
Didn't matter to Gunn.
In 2021, in the first months of the Biden administration, the Democratic majorities in
In other words,
Gunn still didn't budge.
The continued opposition not only defies economic reason, it has grave consequences for hospitals like ours.
When Medicaid expansion was enacted, the authors of the legislation said the government would largely pay for it by eliminating, or at least severely reducing, the payments the federal government gave to hospitals that treat a disproportionate share of uninsured patients. The rationale was that diverting these so-called DSH payments was reasonable since any state would be out of its mind not to accept what the federal government was offering in their place.
The stubbornness of Gunn, Reeves and others like them has dealt a double-whammy to
It would be simplistic to say that Medicaid expansion alone would save
Gunn shocked expectations by becoming the state's first prominent Republican elected official to call for a new state flag. He needs to pull a similarly dramatic surprise and reverse his position on Medicaid expansion. And it needs to come quickly, or not only is
Reeves is not going to change positions. That's a given. He's put too much political stock in opposing any expansion of social safety-net programs, although he's more than comfortable doling out corporate welfare.
That means it would take veto-proof majorities in both houses to make Medicaid expansion happen. That's a huge lift, and it becomes impossible without Gunn's backing.
Gunn's retirement announcement suggests he may have cooled on the idea of running for governor. Whether he has or not, he has a chance to make amends for helping to put
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