What Would Happen if Congress Stopped “Borrowing Money” From Social Security?
According to the latest annual report from the Social Security
Image source: Getty Images.
If there is any sort of silver lining to pass along here, it's that
What the heck is wrong with
What isn't to blame is how the
For the last time, politicians didn't raid
Image source: Getty Images.
This "issue" that often arises when discussing these investment holdings is the idea that
Of course, the truth of the matter is that the federal government funds a lot of its general revenue line items through the sale of debt. Corporations do the same thing. And, like the federal government, they put the cash they receive from bond sales to work. The thing to realize here is the federal government is already paying interest into the
Here's what would happen if
What's more, if
Image source: Getty Images.
According to the intermediate-cost short-range (10-year) model in the 2018 Trustees report for the combination of the
So, to sum things up:
* No, the federal government hasn't raided or stolen money from
* Yes, the federal government is already paying interest into the
* No, there are no near- or intermediate-term concerns that the federal government won't be able to fully repay these special-issue bonds when they mature.
* Yes, you should want the SSA to continue to buy bonds and certificates of indebtedness in order to generate revenue for the program.
No conspiracy theories here, folks. It's that simple.
If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "
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