Tong’s bluster on inflation scapegoats supermarkets
Democratic politicians keep trying to blame inflation on manufacturers, landlords, insurance companies, and nearly everyone else in business. Most fervent in his scapegoating is
Last week Tong, a Democrat, proposed legislation requiring food producers and supermarkets to put special labels on products whose packaging shrinks without an equivalent reduction in price that is, products afflicted by “shrinkflation.” Tong calls “shrinkflation” a deceptive practice.
He underestimates the public’s intelligence. Few people may understand where inflation comes from, but most keenly notice its effects at supermarkets and in many other financial transactions. Inflation was a major issue in last November’s election. Smaller packaging isn't fooling many people.
Maybe some food producers intend ‘shrinkflation” as deception, but it’s mostly something else realism in marketing. Producers may have realized that their customers can’t afford as much as they used to buy and so may not always buy if the old, larger packaging carries a higher price. People don’t have to look too closely to see ‘shrinkflation” in many other places where they also get less for their money. With government, they often have paid more 1n taxes without getting more 1n services another form of "shrinkflation."
Since they have to do their own purchasing of raw materials and labor, producers are victims of inflation too.
At the producer level the
Growth in the money supply and govermment spending has far outpaced production of goods and services. Today the federal government bestows all sorts of goodies on people without a thought as to how they should be financed. It is just assumed that everything new can be financed by borrowing, which is money creation since the bonds are purchased by the
It’s not quite as bad on the state level, but bad enough, since so much state govermment spending is financed not by state taxes but by federal inflation money.
Debtand inflation have soared during both Democratic and Republican national administrations.
But last week with his choice of scapegoats food producers and supermarkets Attorney General Tong seemed to have forgotten that
So as a political matter Tong is now free to put the blame for inflation where it belongs on the federal government and the other political party. Or is Tong worried that, if he stops scapegoating and tells the truth about inflation, some people might remember when the
The attorney general could do much more to reduce consumer prices in
The industry enjoys a huge ‘‘barrier to entry” limits on retailing licenses, which defeat competition. Supermarkets are allowed to sell beer buť not wine and liquor, though most people would like the convenience of one-stop shopping.
The liquor industry also enjoys state-mandated minimum prices on alcoholic beverages, defeating competition again.
Opposing the desire of supermarkets to sell wine, a lobbyist for the liquor stores says, ‘We just want to be left alone.” Nonsense the liquor stores desperately want state government to keep enforcing their exemptions from competition. These exemptions would be fat targets for a populist politician. Tong’s bluster doesn’t make him one.
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Trump's policies undercut the fed's fight against inflation
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