They wanted disruption in 2016. Now they're Trump defectors
Shawna Jensen’s moment of reckoning came in March, as she sat in her suburban
“Hey, guys, I gotta tell you something,” she said. The women, all white, Republican, suburban moms, stared back at her.
Jensen’s heart raced. How would they react? What would they think? She never dreamed she would utter these words aloud.
“I’m not voting for Trump this year. My heart will not let me do it. I can’t vote for someone who is that ugly to other people.”
An uncomfortable pause descended over the screen. “Oh, OK,” one woman said, in a strained voice.
Since then, the 47-year-old hasn’t been invited to parties, and the Zoom happy hours have been few.
Jensen is among former
Trump’s case for reelection rests almost solely on the intensity of support from those who backed him four years ago. Unlike other modern presidents, he has done little to try to expand his base, and there’s no evidence that he has. So he cannot afford to lose many voters like Jensen.
It’s unclear how many voters like Jensen are out there — white, middle-class people who are pro-gun and anti-abortion rights, solid
Trump's support among
In a tight race — especially in swing states — those who are abandoning Trump could make a difference.
In two dozen interviews with voters in three traditional swing states and
“Everything that I thought I knew doesn’t exist anymore,” said 22-year-old
The bedrock of Trump’s America is white voters who are 45 or older, and they are largely solidly with him, especially in rural areas. According to a
“Joe Biden’s a family man and so am I, and that’s how I’m connecting with him,” said Jensen. “He loves his kids and his wife, you can tell it. For me, he’s the safer of the two candidates. And he doesn’t make fun of people.”
Nearly everyone who spoke with The Associated Press said they had hesitations about voting for Trump in 2016 but chose him anyway because of his outsider status and willingness to shake up
“I was super proud that day I walked out of voting,” said Jensen, who voted for Trump in the primary and general election in 2016. She’d been a lifelong Republican. “My son was with me, and he just turned 18. He voted for Trump as well. It was a year of ‘Hey, let’s do something different.’ I really thought he was going to drain the swamp, get rid of career politicians, small government, be a leader. We wanted everything to change.”
She recalled
“Looking back, though, it was all a big mistake.”
Jensen sighs a lot when talking about the 2016 election. When Trump became president, he didn’t become presidential, she noted. His tweets were alarming, and so was his rhetoric. But she could overlook a lot.
Her first serious inkling that he didn’t align with her values was when he nominated
But there were many other troubling signs to come, including Trump’s habit of belittling people. “I started being mindful. Watching things. Growing up with traditional Christian values, it bothered me how he made fun of people,” she said.
She tried to focus on her favorite things in life: ’80s music, books, her ownership in a small cattle ranch in her native
Friends would cite the stock market as proof of Trump’s success, and Jensen grew increasingly annoyed. Previously, she’d lived in a half-million-dollar home in
But after her divorce, she moved into a “regular,
“Not everything is based off the stock market,” she said. “Most regular people just don’t have stocks. Everything about the stock market comments irritated me.”
Over the course of Trump’s first term, as Jensen grew more alarmed by the president’s actions, her stance on many issues started to shift. She began to read different news sources, scour new types of books. She watched
Everything she thought she believed was in question. She’d loved
“I love her spirit,” said the mother of four, who is equally at ease in a leopard-print sweater as dingy brown farm coveralls. “But sometimes she’s too much, she turns people off. I don’t like her rhetoric, but I love that she’s a passionate woman. She stands up for her values, even though they’re different than mine.”
Even admitting that much about such a left-leaning politician was shocking to Jensen.
With each new scandal and breaking news alert, she felt like her eyes were opening for the first time. Perhaps, she thought, she’d been too rigid in her thinking.
Hispanic immigrants? She noticed several in the school where she worked. It made her think of Trump’s fixation on a border wall. “The wall really bothered me, and the inhumane way we were treating Hispanic people.”
Abortion? “I’m pro-life, but I just feel that
She’s also left baffled by Trump’s
She finally decided Trump had failed at his job when it mattered most, when the pandemic struck. “He did nothing to help us,” she said. And she went for Biden.
To be sure, Jensen is not typical. Trump’s approval rating was 86% among
But she also is not alone — and she's still a registered Republican. Across the country, others who voted for Trump came to the same conclusions she did: He isn’t the man they thought he was.
Folks who are switching their votes from 2016 all cite different turning points for their change of heart. For some, it was when Trump gave his inauguration speech. For others, it was the way he called certain nations “s---hole countries,” and how he responded to the
Among the two dozen Trump defectors, there is no discernible pattern. They are women and men, old and young. Some are evangelicals, with strong opposition to abortion.
In 2016,
“I should’ve voted for Hillary. I think she would have done an outstanding job handling the issues we’re facing today,” he said, sighing.
Others had more specific breaking points.
While working as a Bible translator in
Farr called that decision a “dealbreaker.” He’s voting for Biden, the first Democrat he’s selected. “I really am scared with what Trump does. Feels like he’s able to do anything and get away with it.”
Stoudemire says most of her friends are
For others, the issue of racial justice, and Trump’s attitude on the subject, prompted them to reject the president.
The divisions the Trump era has sewn in many parts of the country have also affected individual families, tearing at their sense of unity.
In rural
“In order to really keep the peace, we just don’t talk about it,” said
Like others, Berly decided to abandon Trump when he saw how the president handled the pandemic. The recent college graduate lives in
“It’s gotta be
Berly tuned into the
Berly said that if he did try to talk about it with his family, he’d be brushed off.
“They will dismiss all of it. There’s no sense of compromise,” he said. “It’s not so much they’re not willing to criticize Trump. It’s an unwillingness to listen to Democratic talking points.”
In the weeks leading up to the 2016 election,
Shortly before
A friend replied: “Please please keep the lead. So stressful,” and Jensen liked her comment.
Now, four years later, she’s still posting about her cattle and her children, but she’s dipping a toe into political waters. She joined a Facebook group called “Former
Because of the pandemic — and because of her newfound political beliefs — she’s not in many group photos anymore. She still does the occasional Zoom happy hour, but it can get uncomfortable.
“They’ll still wear their MAGA hats and things around me,” she said. “They’ll do it teasingly, but I can tell there’s some strain. I think I’ve grown, and my friends have not.”
But she hasn’t wavered. “I’m happier now. My time here is limited. I see myself four years ago, I would have never said, `Black lives matter.’ But they do. Sometimes we have to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. It does not always have to align with what your friends believe.”
She’s mindful of not getting into heated arguments or nasty debates. Her son, who went with her to vote in 2016, has decided not to vote at all this year; all he's told her is that he doesn't feel comfortable with Trump.
Now she asks one question of Trump supporters, whether it’s online or in person.
“Were you better off four years ago right before the 2016 election, or today?”
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