Texas might be one of the worst states to have a baby, Forbes says. Here’s why
Pregnancy makes it crucial to have access to the best medical care. But that may not be possible in
The study found that
It also found that childbirth in
“In some states, expecting mothers are more likely to encounter high childbirth costs, a shortage of obstetricians and gynecologists, and increased risks during delivery,” the Forbes report said.
The report suggested that expecting parents to seek the best heath insurance options before delivery by comparing quotes. They also note that mothers cannot legally be denied health insurance or charged more for coverage due to a pregnancy.
“A recent Harris Poll survey found only 42% of women who are pregnant or have been pregnant say they had access to the best possible medical care while pregnant. Likewise, only 44% felt they had access to the best possible medical care during delivery. “
How Forbes ranked each state
Forbes Advisor analyzed all 50 states using five key metrics to determine which are the worst (and best) places to have a baby.
Some of those metrics included state-specific infant and maternal death rates, the percentage of needs met for obstetricians and gynecologists in 2030, and the average cost of childbirth with health insurance.
Forbes ranked
Worst states to have a baby
The top states to have a baby
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